Classics 9: Dark Passage

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Essential Facts:
Writer: Paul McCusker

Climbing aboard The Imagination Station, the two friends were propelled back to the days before the Civil War not a good place to be if, like Matt, you're black. After interrupting a meeting with the Reverend Andrew, who was helping slaves escape to freedom along the Underground railroad things just went from bad to worse! Matt was captured by slave hunters, leaving Jack and the reverend to rescue him. But would they find him and in time?


Jack Davis, Matt Booker, Whit, *Rev. Andrew Ferguson / Jamison, *Clarence, *Jeb, *Mr. Prentice, *Albert, *Eveline, *Hank, *Sonny, *Wylie, *Mr. Ramsay, *Mr. Watson, *George, *Richard Mason, *Colonel Alexander Ross, *Sam


Rating: 3 1/2 stars


GOOF ALERT: This books gives Reverend Andrew's last name as Ferguson.  In the 316: The Underground Railroad, Part 3, it is given as Jamison.

This book was told from a third person perspective, unlike it's sequel.

This book was continued to Book 10, Freedom Run.

Contains an Imagination Station adventure.


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