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100: Ice Fishing |
Ice Fishing is my favorite show on my favorite album of the Hal Smith era, Courageous Characters, Fabulous Friends (7) followed closely by Front Page News. Of course, anything that has a word like "Old Grundy" in it is okay in my book.
Eugene and Tom have their best scenes together ever in this episode. The Tom/Eugene thing was kind of downplayed after Bernard's introduction six episodes later, which I think is kind of sad, because they play off each other well. Sure, they still have scenes together, just not as many.
This episode is easily the best of the "Whit's Grandchildren come to visit" arc. All of the shows in the arc, except 101: Scattered Seeds, are about conflict within the family 96: The Reluctant Rival is about Jenny's talent and genius, 97: Monty's Christmas is about Monty being caught between his mom and dad, and this show, which is about Monty wanting to be better than his sister at something, at anything. It's a tough part, and Chad Reisser pulls it off beautifully. Together with Monty's Christmas, it's maybe the best work he ever did on the show, certainly better than Digger Digwillow.
But aside from that, it's also very funny. Everything with Tom and Eugene, or even Tom talking about Eugene, is brilliant. Especially the "Whit, sometimes I just wonder 'bout that boy" speech that Tom does early on. In the whole episode, not a single flaw.
Rating: 4 stars (out of four)
103: Front Page News |
This episode ranks among my favorites. It is certainly my favorite episode focusing on the kid characters. This is the only time we hear Curt and Oscar together, which is unfortunate, because they are really good together. But this was Curt's first show, and Oscar's second to last, so they never worked together again.
Curt is just beautiful throughout, from the famous authors bit to his ranting on how ridiculous the Odyssey Owl is. Oscar is great, too, as he ties to work as Curt's conscience, but, obviously, does not succeed. Oscar's singing on the tape recorder is priceless as well.
This show is also the first where Lucy writes for the Owl, which would be a big part of her character for the next six years. It also sets up Lucy and Curt's "basic and sometimes adversarial" friendship (to paraphrase Eugene), which would provide comic possibilities for two years.
The only thing I didn't like about this episode was Coach Stubbs. He just doesn't seem believable. And besides, where is Fred Zachary? I really missed him in this show.
But, overall, certainly one of the funniest episodes of the first three or four years.
Rating: 3 1/2 stars (out of four)
57: The Prodigal, Jimmy |
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110: A...is for Attitude |
I just heard on the radio last night, and I'd have to say it's so funny! Especially when Cheryl went up stage and sang that song! This is one of the best old Odyssey's ever!
Rating: 4 stars (out of five)
111: First Love |
This is the most significant episode in Connie’s life when it comes to dating. Through her friend Cheryl, Connie meets the Baseball celebrity of Odyssey High, Jeff Lewis. Jeff asks her out and Connie goes on a picnic with him. The eat, talk, even discuss church a little, and as they part company Jeff asks her if he can kiss her, wow. Well, nearly a month later, Connie meets Cheryl for lunch and her happy world starts to fall apart. Jeff isn’t a Christian, and Connie has to decide if she will continue to date him, or break up. But when she discusses her dilemma with Whit, she realizes that she’s in love with Jeff. With Whit’s help Connie finally decides that her relationship with Jesus is more important than any other. This is probably the only AIO Episode that really brings a tear to my eye. And the Message is brought forth with incredible power "Be not Unequally Yoked".
What a lovely episode! I loved this episode, and had a couple of laughs. It was also good to hear Cheryl back again after her argument with Connie in "A is for attitude.
Rating: 3 1/2 stars (out of five)
112: Curious, Isn't It? |
This "Adventures in Odyssey" just kept you guessing along with Ben and Esther. It was quite funny, too. A good episode.
Rating: 3 1/2 stars (out of five)
This ep was okay, but it lacked a lot. All in all, I guess it wasn’t too bad. I mean it had a good lesson in it, and Ben and Esther made as good of a pair on AIO as Dwayne and Jarred. Too bad we didn’t get to see just a little more of Ben and Esther (in the series, not this ep).
Rating: 3 stars (out of five)
113: Suspicious Minds |
Now this one's quite funny, with some good sayings from Bernard. Although Whit seemed like "an angry man" at least it wasn't with the kids, or as bad as in "A matter of manners".
Rating: 4 stars (out of five)
This show was definitely on my top ten list. All through the episode I enjoyed the antics between Connie, Eugene, and Bernard as they try to find the "thief." Very humorous way of teaching the importance of trust.
Rating: 4 stars (out of 5)
114: The Big Broadcast |
Now this one's big! This one re-introduces "Kids Radio" again, and has some very memorable skits and stories. One thing I didn't like about it was the old radio noises in the background, although it was a nice touch.
Rating: 4 1/2 stars (out of five)
The Big Broadcast was very well done, and brought out a good lesson. However it wasn’t all that great. I mean good, okay, but great? It was nice to learn a little more about a few of the characters (such as Lucy’s last name being Cunningham-Shultz).
Rating: 3 stars (out of five)
115: An Act of Mercy |
Is this the first episode that Rodney is in? I think so. You can already see his personality, it really shines. But you can't see his father's. And nobody seems to be merciful in the checkers game between Whit and Connie. Maybe they just put it in to fill in for time.
Rating: 3 stars (out of five)
An Act of Mercy was, in my opinion, a very well done ep. It had comedy, good lines, and taught a good lesson. We heard Rodney and his dad for the first time here. I’d have to say that out of the entire ep, the part on the introduction between Chris and Dave is and always will be the best part of the program for me. The quality of the script as well as the sounds made it one of the best that AIO has ever produced.
Rating: 4 1/2 stars (out of five)
117: The Trouble with Girls |
I was really looking forward to hear this one again, until I did. Doesn't really give you many choices. But a interesting episode all the way.
Rating: 4 stars (out of five)
120: Pranks for the Memories |
I've got this one on CD and I thought it was interesting at first, but now I think it's one big bore.
Rating: 3 stars (out of five)
121: Missing Person |
What a story! Not that I liked it much. I don't know why. There's not really much to say about it.
Rating: 3 stars (out of five)
There wasn’t really a whole lot to this ep. Rodney doesn't want to play baseball anymore, so he runs away. Bart is convinced that Rodney wouldn’t run off. Meanwhile, Isaac and Lucy find him in a barn and Isaac tries to help Rodney understand that he needs to be up front with his dad. The lesson was good, as well as the sound and the script. But it just wasn’t up to the standard of AIO eps that I like to “see”.
Rating: 2 1/2 stars (out of five)
Castles and Cauldrons, Part 1 123: Castles and Cauldrons, Part 2 |
This was a fairly amusing ep with a good lesson. However
I made a big mistake the first time I heard it. I was babysitting for the neighbors
and since the kids were already fans of AIO there was no problem listening to
AIO with them.......however I made a big error in my judgment.....I didn’t turn
the radio off for them when I heard the parental warning (the kids were ages
4 and 7) I had heard that same parental warning on so many eps that weren’t
even close to scary, I just ignored it.....it didn’t take too long before the
kids (and me....15 yrs old at the time) were getting scared....still the ep
wasn’t too strong for them and they handled it fine.
While it was amusing (the first time) it was only good the first time....I think it lost a lot of impact after the first time....yeah the lesson is still good and relevant, but it’s just not the same. I prefer the eps where I get something new out of them each time I listen.
Rating: 3 stars (out of five)
I suppose it keeps you on the edge of your seat, but It's not one of my favorites. It wouldn't even be in my top hundred. No memorable quotes like most of my episodes, cause there's just no laughs. Remember to look out for my review of Donna's wish of no brother coming later this week, probably with quotes.
Rating: 7 stars (out of ten)
124: The Winning Edge |
This is not much of an episode. The story's dull and there's no humor. But Bart's character's is his character.
Rating: 2 stars (out of five)
Here is another ep that was good (for the first time). But after hearing it once, you don’t get anything new out of it. Bart Rathbone was in character, and the lesson was good. Sound quality was pretty good. The script, I think, could have been a little better, but still it wasn’t too bad either. I’m just a fan of the more adventurous eps that AIO makes.
Rating: 3 stars (out of five)
125: All's Well with Boswell |
This ep. was very cute and somewhat entertaining. Though maybe just a little too much on the “cute” side. The only major problem that I had was Robyn seemed to have absolutely no trouble getting out of all the close calls she managed to get into. I seriously doubt that could happen that many times in one day to a person.
Rating: 3 stars (out of five)
I loved this episode! Maybe it's just me, but mostly every other AIO do people get found out. Not Robyn. I really enjoyed this episode and the humor.
Rating: 4 1/2 stars (out of five)
126: Wishful Thinking |
Wishful Thinking was a humorous episode, but that is about
it. I didn’t agree with Donna wishing that her brother had never been born.
I mean I have (if you count foster siblings, adopted siblings, and my real siblings)
around 11 or so siblings (with no foster siblings it would be a constant 6 siblings—real
and adopted). There have been times my siblings and I fight, and what not, but
none of us have ever wished that one (or more) had never been born. If any of
us were to do that, I’d be the one doing it. For eight glorious years I was
the oldest, then came two real siblings that were adopted into our home and
I was now the third oldest in my family.
Although it was hard getting used to having older siblings, I never wished
they hadn’t come to live with us (that field was taken by my step-dad ... and
my wish came true ... he moved out less than eighteen months after he married
my mom).
Even though I didn’t agree with some parts of the show, it was very good quality.
Rating: 3 stars (out of five)
"Wishful thinking" is quite a good episode. Since it is a "kids slice of life", I like it quite a lot. It also features a memorable quote, after so many episodes not having them. Great episode!
Rating: 7 1/2 stars (out of ten)
127: Have You No Selpurcs? |
I kinda like this episode. It's funny, but not too funny. And also told me something I didn't know-there is a Zappazoids movie.
Rating: 8 1/2 stars (out of ten)
I liked this ep. It’s one of those that each time I hear it, it’s still just as good as the first time. The music was very well done in this one, and the lines went extremely well with each other. I enjoyed seeing Curt do things his way and keep getting things messed up while Lucy did things her way full of pride that she was better than Curt. It brought out a good lesson.
Rating: 4 stars (out of five)
133: Cousin Albert |
Even though I missed the first half, I thought I'd still review it. (I have heard it before) Great episode and it gives us some information on Lucy's family. Since I like basketball, that scene made it even better. Though the ball sounds weren't really realistic, you get used to it.
Rating: 8 stars (out of ten)
Back to Bethlehem, Part 1 136: Back to Bethlehem, Part 2 137: Back to Bethlehem, Part 3 |
This is an interesting program, with quite a few twists, but the story isn't quite as good as some others. It doesn't nicely fit together and is rather chaotic at times. It's got the usual jokes about how Eugene and Connie don't fit in ("It's better not to ask, she's been talking like that all day" and "Ice cream? Whittaker double sundae? Tell me more about changing oil and.. car."). Eugene also gets asked some probing questions, and takes him a step closer to becoming a Christian. Good, but not excellent.
Rating: 3 stars (out of four).
Back To Bethlehem presents the birth of Jesus in a unique way, with Eugene and Connie there to witness it via the Imagination Station. The Roman and the Israelite fall in love with Connie, Eugene confronts his cynicism, and the Savior is born. What more could you ask for? A scintillating performance by the Innkeeper, the joke lines with the shepherds, the murderous Roman captain and a well-played-out conclusion make for great listening once again.
Rating: 4-1/2 Stars out of 5