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The Big Deal, Part 1 450: The Big Deal, Part 2 |
The outlook is favorable on "The Big Deal." The episode is getting the best reviews since "I Slap Floor" last April.
Many liked the fact that Chris is now giving all the names of the actors at the end of the programs. It was also agreed that this was a good use of the Imagination Station and Aubrey Shepard. Many further agreed that it was a good adaptation of the Bible story and gave kudos to Rob Jorgensen, the production engineer. Whit seemed to be back to his old self, though some weren't sure about his swinging.
Good morning, classic Odyssey! I have heard this episode described as a "breath of fresh air," and I must most certainly agree...
I didn't exactly feel like this was the best AIO adventure ever. Nor was it one of the best Imagination Station ever. In fact, I would say that it isn't really much more than your average IS story...
...The conflict between Aubrey's parents and herself about the play was never resolved...
It's really not that bad of a story. If you take it in the context of last season, with the split episodes and what have you, it's like jump-starting Odyssey's heart once again... It's the quintessential AIO Imagination Station episode.
But more to the point, it's normal. It's just plain normal. There is really nothing to set this episode apart from anything else in the AIO canon..
[Aubrey] finds none other than John Avery Whittaker swinging...Yes, I know it's strange. But I guess it happens, I mean I swing. Why not Whit?
I'm encouraged. Keep working on it, give the writers time to gel as a team, and hey, this is more like the Odyssey I love than last season. (Link to Switchflood Review)
Switchflood gives the episode 3 stars out of five.
I record AIO from my computer on RealAudio onto tapes so that I can listen to it while driving, because since I live in Malaysia I cannot hear it directly on the radio. Every so often I find an episode that I want to keep rather than recording over the tape with a subsequent episode.
This one was one of those keepers! It deserves to be put in the next Bible Eyewitness collection.
Yeah, the grunts during Whit's swinging were a little strange :-) but I have no problems with the swinging itself.
Kirsten gives the episode 3 1/2 stars.
Both part 1 and 2 were top notch quality! Good Job AIO staff, let's keep it going!!
Kirsten gives the episode a 4 stars.
Low plot, little humor, no action . This episode was one of the worst. Aubrey whined a little too much, Whit swinging was the best part. Because of that one scene, I gave it one half star, and not zero.
Jeremiah gives the episode a 1/2 star.
This episode was much better then just about every episode last season, and ranks higher then many of the other episodes of the past thirteen years. The acting was great for the most part, and it was nice to hear Chris name all the actors involved with the episode which many people felt should have been there since the beginning...
John Beebee did a fine job of (adapting the Bible story) to the radio...Overall, this is a very good sign for things to come and don't be surprised if the rest of the season feeds off this one's success. (Link to Soda Fountain Review)
Shadowpaw gives the episode 4 1/2 stars out of five.
Excellent episodes, but I thought in Part 1 it was a little strange for Whit to be swinging. That scene was the worst in the whole two-parter because of Whit's grunts! I didn't like that part. I liked the scenes in Part 2 with Herodotus' daughter . She was a good addition to this show.
Michael gives the episode 3 1/2 stars.
Part One:
As the season premiere of arguably the most anticipated Adventures in Odyssey season ever, The Big Deal I was a pretty impressive episode. Yes, even thought Aubrey still holds her role as the #2 most annoying Odyssey character, this episode was extremely well written. I am assuming that Micah was originally Nick, which does sound like a good role for him. It would have kept his character traits to its normal level. (Unlike Idol Minds, which wrecked Whit, Connie, and Eugene's characters completely.) It's nice to see Adventures in Odyssey get back on track with the episodes. The plot was pretty good, about a 7.5, the music was around 7.5, the lesson about 8. Overall, John Beebee did really well on this episode, which left me dying for Part II! I waited in anticipation for about a whole week. His writing has improved tremendously.
Part Two:
I thought that this episode was an excellent conclusion. (And I wasn't really too excited about the beheading, good thing he didn't put it into the episode) It had a relatively good plot, and Aubrey did a good job acting. The Big Deal II was probably even better than Part I. I think that John Beebee mixed the two stories (Aubrey's problem about the play and the life of John the Baptist) together well. Anyway, these two episodes deserve to be the season openers, and now John Beebee leaves me dying for The Great Wishy Woz! Makes me excited to see how he did the first musical that wasn't about Christmas!
Aubrey isn't a favorite character of Odyssey fans, but in "The Big Deal" her character comes through wonderfully....it's a great episode! (Link to UAIO review)
Nathan gives the episode 5 stars out of five.
This was a great episode, much better than anything we were subjected to in the spring season (except maybe for I Slap Floor). Whit was back to his old self, and Aubrey was better in this episode than in any other. She's a great character, and I hope she comes to Christ soon. Now, it may just be me, but didn't Micah sound a bit like Dwayne Oswald? Just wondering. (Editor's note: That was indeed Kris Kachurak, the actor who used to play Dwayne.)
Dustin gives the episode 4 stars.
A pretty good episode, but doesn't anyone else think that Whit's swinging was a little...strange? Or maybe I'm the strange one? Anyway, I think this episode was a solid start for the new AIO season.
Alice gives the episode 3 stars.
This comes like a breath of fresh air...Whit is showing some character for once, rather than just giving out advice and ice cream. The story is interesting, fun and just plain good.
The production standard is high, too. There's some good dialogue and characters, although Micah seems a little over the top. Aubrey is better used in this episode.
At last, Adventures in Odyssey is back on track. I eagerly await the next part, and indeed, the rest of the season. I hope the high standard is maintained.
Part Two:
The episode continues well...Aubrey gets to see King Herod and so on rather easily, but having her befriend Salome works quite well. I was a little irritated that the matter of the play wasn't tied up...
These are all quibbles, however. It's good to hear a good Adventures in Odyssey back on its feet.
Caleb gives the episode 4 stars out of five. (Link to Book Addicts Central review)
Good Episode. It seems like AIO is back to normal. I'm looking forward to part 2.
TWF gives the episode 4 stars.
It's great that I am finally able to once again say "I can't wait for next weeks show". (Link to Town Hall message)
JT says the episode is very good, but says that not enough happened in Part 1.
JT gives the episode 4 stars.
I thought it was neat how they had Whit swinging. It is also nice to hear him back to normal. Last season he seemed out of character. Now he is back to listening and talking. It also showed his unpredictable side when they had him swinging. (Link to Town Hall message)
I thought it was a very good episode. Glad to see the Imagination Station back! John Beebee wrote another great ep.
I thought it was pretty good! (Link to Town Hall message)
I heard Part One Of " The Big Deal " This Morning (9/30 ) I Like What I've Heard So Far. Looking Forward To Part Two. It Was Also Great To Hear That Motion Picture And Television Actor Jerry Houser Is Doing V/O for AIO, Now. It Was Great Hearing Chris Name Most Of The Voice Actors This Time, Instead Of Just The Principles. (Link to Town Hall message)
Agreed. Great episode!! While I'm not one who is big on "Imagination Station" episodes, this was still a great one. (Link to Town Hall message)
Part 1 was great...I loved it and look forward to part 2 and the fall...
It was great Chris listing a LOT of the people. (Link to Town Hall message)
Part One:
John the Baptist is a old story told in a brand new way...Instead of the wild man who ate locus and was went around in rags, the episode brought more Character to [John].
Part Two:
This is yet another top notch adventure from Adventures in Odyssey that brings the Bible to life like never before. Needless to say, it ends with a lot for Aubrey to think about... (Link to UAIO review)
A very very well done episode.
Aubrey was used very well in this episode...I think it is the best Aubrey episode so far. It was also great to hear Whit act like himself and be a fun, wise and caring instead of the cardboard prop that had been used as Whit in some other episodes during the Spring season.
Corey gives the episode 4 stars. (Link to UAIO review)
Brian gives the episode 4 stars. (Link to UAIO review)
451: Life Trials of the Rich and Famous |
The "thumbs up" season reviews continued with "Life Trials of the Rich and Famous," the latest Marshal Younger "kids slice of life episode."
Reviews are coming in like many similar Marshal episodes. Many people love the episode and others have some quibbles about it, but still enjoy it. While people liked the sound effects in the swimming scene, some thought it was too hard to hear the boys. Some liked how Liz wasn't as annoying in this episode and enjoyed the "Sunshine Girl cookies" segments. Most agreed that the part where Nathaniel pretends to be a jerk was well-done. A few objected to Nathaniel kissing Liz.
Good morning, Marshal Younger! Very nice try: I'm impressed. Just not all that much...
...I see it as an episode that's trying to be more than one thing. It's got this funny Marshal Younger episode thing going, and also this not-so-funny Nathaniel-is-a-rich-kid-and-everybody-is-treating-him-differently-now thing going. It just doesn't gel as well as I would have hoped...
...Not a strong ending on the whole, though, I must admit....
...Now about Nathaniel talking to his dad. I consider this, a little building block in LTOTRAF, to be the highlight of the episode. Parental interaction, even as slight as this, has been something I've been begging about for a long time. I don't care if he just chips in some advice. I don't care if they have a quick conversation in the morning before work or school or whatever. I think it's important to show that Whit is not the father figure of all of Odyssey... (Link to Switchflood Review)
Switchflood gives the episode 3 1/2 stars out of five.
This is a hilarious episode, especially, when Nathaniel pulled that prank to show who had changed when everyone made a big fuss about how his family had made money off of FactsBuffet.com....Marshal Younger's kid's-slice-of-life episodes are always fun and comical, while teaching important lessons along the way.
...That's one thing good about this episode. Marshal Younger wrote it so you would find out what's wrong about Nathaniel later. Overall, a very good episode. (Link to original Webshack Review)
Dawey gives the episode 7 1/2 stars (out of ten).
Though not as good as the season opener, this was quite a good episode that highlighted Nathaniel's talents. Overall, it was a pretty good episode that brought back the fun that the spring season was missing.
Dustin gives the episode 3 1/2 stars.
The episode over all was good. Maybe it was just because I missed the first 2 minutes and listened to it in the car but I though it was slightly confusing at the beginning and end.
My biggest quibble was "the kiss" I thought that was inappropriate. Maybe it's because I'm home-schooled and go with Josh Harris's "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" but this is 13 year old kids who are kissing???
Caleb gives the episode 2 1/2 stars (out of four).
While the story is pretty good, and does has some funny scenes and moments, my main criticism is that it isn't one thing or another...
This seems to be a bit too humorous to be a fairly straight tale of Nathaniel going up in the world, but not humorous enough as to befit a classic comedy of Adventures in Odyssey...I feel it would be better if it lent itself more one way than another...
Trying to combine two styles successfully the same time is tricky...Here, it didn't come off. The story isn't a bad one, just a little disappointing. (Link to full Book Addicts Central review)
Caleb gives the episode 3 stars (out of five).
I liked it, except I think Nathaniel should have kissed her on the lips. Just a personal preference.
Jamaica gives the episode 3 stars.
Good Show! Someone said they they loved Odyssey because it made them think. In our culture of envying and hating the rich, we are actually shown than money cannot by happiness, and suddenly wealthy people can have problems too. Hand it to Odyssey to give us a unique perspective! Liz IS a little less of a brat, and Nathaniel acting like a jerk at the end was one of the strong points of the season so far. Keep it up!!!
JoyElectric gives the episode 3 stars.
It was pretty good! Fav. Quote:
Sarah: "Did he kiss you!?"
Liz: "He must have my cheek just went numb!"
JT Nashville gives the episode 3 stars.
I really thought that it was a well done episode. The quality acting and voices still aren't the same, but the plot and script was excellent. It didn't do the best job with telling how the Grahms got to be rich, but that wasn't vitally important I guess. Overall, I really liked it, especially freezing the sunshine girl cookies, which is what we do with Girl Scout cookies! (Link to original Town Hall message)
This is the best episode of the fall season so far. The scene with Nathaniel acting like a big shot was done very well. This is the kind of episode I like to hear, a normal Odyssey story. That's what the Spring season lacked in.
JT Nashville gives the episode 4 stars.
Awesome ep! Alex was a computer geek. I really liked the "cookie" and "jerk" parts. AIO is back for the Fall Season! Well, I'm going to go listen to it again!
Gideon gives the episode 4 stars.
It was a good Ep! I think this seson will turn out good after all! keep up the good work AIO! (Link to original Town Hall message)
The second episode of the season wasn't as good as the one that fell just before it...It had a few flaws that stuck out.
The biggest thing I noticed was the scene in which Alex and his friends are swimming in the pool. Alex and Nathaniel sounded like they were miles away from Liz and Sarah and I literally had to crank up my volume to hear what they were saying...And after listening to it again, some of the acting sounded uninspired... boring even...
One thing that kinda holds me back is technology. In a way, I'm not a big fan of bringing the Internet into Odyssey...
In conclusion, this episode may not have been up to the standards set by the season opener... but it didn't catch the spring fever either, like so many others before it.
Shadowpaw gives the episode 3 stars (out of five).
This episode wasn't as good as The Big Deal, but still quite good. I look forward to the rest of the season.
TWF gives the episode 3 stars.
There are several things I like about this episode, besides the fact that it is a great story. The cookie thing was hilarious. So was Liz acting all nice to Nathaniel and telling him her birthday. But one thing I liked was the character development and definition. Alex is a computer geek. Liz is sarcastic and a little whiny and mean (although Liz wasn't that bad in this episode). Nathaniel has a large house and his dad is the creator of www.factbuffet.com. Sarah...well, I don't really know a lot about Sarah, but I hope they define her character more. Also they had a little bit of continuity. Like sometimes people don't pay attention to Alex was a reference back to "Where There's Smoke." All in all a absolutely wonderful episode with humor, character development, and a good story. Which is what we have come to expect from AIO. AIO keep up the good work!!!!
Corey gives the episode 3 1/2 stars.
I loved it !! I loved Liz kissing up to Nathaniel! Sooo funny! Odyssey is back!! Great job by all. Nathaniel was so cool in the jerk scene. The cookie thing should be in quotes section. I wish I could remember it all...he he! GREAT JOB, GREAT EP!
James gives the episode 4 stars.
This is another very good Marshall Younger episode. Liz was not as annoying as usual, which was a very good thing. The script was great. I kept laughing at the great one-liners ("Who uses scroll lock?" "The graphics are ancient...like last summer."). It was great to hear a kid's slice of life episode again. There weren't any last season. Or if there were they weren't very good. This is turning out to be a very good season.
Corey gives the episode 3 stars.
This is a great episode! The sound effects are really great especially in the pool scene. It was a a great episode that definitely exceeds almost any of the episodes of the spring season. Marshal Younger is a great writer, especially for kid's shows. I'm excited about AIO every Saturday now! YAY!!!
Michael gives the episode 4 stars.
452: Missionary: Impossible |
The reviews of Missionary: Impossible are a bit more subdued than those of the first three episodes of the season. Everyone is agreeing that it's good to see Jason back, though some would like to see him do some actual missions work.
Many liked the jokes and thought the acting was good, but some commented that the time frame seemed off for the episode because it made it seem like an entire year had passed during the course of the episode. Many were also hoping to see more of the "regulars" in future shows.
This episode was pretty good. It's nice to have Jason back. I think it would be interesting to have a episode where we see Jason on the mission field.
TWF gives the episode 3 stars.
He's back!. Jason Whittaker's back in town! As he shows his slides from his missionary journeys Alex is inspired to be a missionary. But getting started as one isn't as easy as he thought. Where will he get the money for the missions trip he wants to go on? Jason tells him that you don't have to go to a far away land to be a missionary. You can be one in your own home town.
Paul Brown gives the episode 4 stars.
This episode probably has no basis in real life (unless you consider signing up for being a missionary and just happen to find out that you'll be helping out in a local place), but it still gives a good lesson and a few laughs along the way...It was a very exciting and funny (but not especially "hilarious", thankfully) episode...
Nevertheless, it was very exciting. I was glad that they brought Jason Whittaker back....Anyway, this episode will most likely be a classic, at least in my book. (Link to original Webshack Review)
Dawey gives the episode 8 stars (out of ten).
It's great to see Jason again! I hope they do some more episodes with him in town. The approach was very well done, and directly addresses the opinion that I'm sure many have of the mission field. Good message and well presented.
Kristina gives the episode 2 1/2 stars.
It was a good ep! we do though we do need to see more of the "regulars" maybe they will come on next. (Link to original Town Hall post)
I totally agree. It was a great ep especially since I am considering entering the mission field myself....(Link to original Town Hall post)
Overall pretty good. Any attempts to visualize a Whittaker in a skirt should not be encouraged!
Anyway, the reminder that we are all missionaries wherever God calls us is a good one. I liked the banter between the kids, as I think the writing is sounding far less "cartoonish" and of a farce than last year. Thankfully, Tom Cruise didn't come in and ruin this "Impossible" program....this review will self-destruct. Good luck, Mr. Whittaker.
JoyElectric gives the episode 3 stars.
I thought it was a good episode. It was nice to hear Jason come back. I would like to hear more of him. It was pretty funny (I love that tie!). And had a good message. Good episode. (Link to original Town Hall post)
Corey gives the episode 3 1/2 stars (out of five).
This episode...again was not as good as the season opener, but still better then the majority of the spring. The acting from Alex and Sarah seemed to have been cranked up a notch from the previous episode, while Blake Ewing continued to do a fine job as Nathaniel...
The plot was relatively original, although the way it ends make you think a whole year has just gone by. But seeing as the Odyssey time frame has almost continually been slowing down and speeding up at a sporadic pace, I guess this can be overlooked... (Link to original Soda Fountain Review)
ShadowPaw gives the episode 3 stars (out of five).
This episode was ok. It was not as good as the other episodes so far this season. I liked the fact that Jason came back, but they didn't play that part of the episode up very much. I loved the part when the elephant video was taken. It was a unique episode, and one that is worth the time to listen to. It had an excellent lesson. I liked the part where Jason and Alex were talking in Swahili. Overall a very good ep, but wasn't Alex supposed to go on the mission trip the next summer? My, time flies in Odyssey.
Michael gives the episode 3 stars.
This was a pretty good episode. Somehow, I think Jason should have scolded Alex more for deceiving people. But the jokes were good, the point was clear, and the script was great! On a scale of 1 to 10, I'm giving Missionary: Impossible a 7.
The Great Wishy Woz, Part 1 454: The Great Wishy Woz, Part 2 |
Reviews are coming in now for Part Two of Wishy Woz and most are very positive. Some have even put the episode among their "favorite episodes" list.
PART ONE: Most are agreeing the episode was very well-produced and had some funny lines. While some weren't sure about the singing, most liked the songs. People also enjoyed that some of the main characters were involved again in this episode, and special complements were given to Chris Anthony, who played the part of the Fairy Oddmother and the Wicked Woman.
PART TWO: Everyone (so far) is agreeing that this was a great episode (or at least, in some cases, pretty good). They liked the way everything was tied up and especially the section of the episode on the Wee Skinny Road with Mr. Iam. Many are hoping that Odyssey will do other musicals in the future.
Part One:
This episode was so funny! The songs were quite good, and I thought that this episode will be a classic....John Beebee did a better job here than in The Big Deal. He is now one of my favorite writers...
...I really thought that it was slightly hurried, perhaps rushed. Besides that, I loved it. This is undoubtedly the best out of the other first four episodes of the Fall 2000 Season. This episode being a success, I hope Adventures in Odyssey makes more musicals.
Part Two:
...Only one problem presents itself. It was rushed. I mentioned that in the review of Part I, but this time the beginning was majorly rushed...
...Just one minor thing I noticed. Maybe there were more, but I remember only hearing one song in Part II. Hmm.... Besides that, I believe that Adventures in Odyssey is doing GREAT in making up for a lousy Spring 2000 Season. (Link to original Webshack Review)
Dawey gives the episode 8.5 stars (out of ten).
The humor was hilarious...When the little people sang "Follow the Big
Fat Road" I couldn't help but to burst out laughing. LuLu the Guru was
very funny also as was most of the episodes...
The sound effects were excellent, especially the end scene with the Fisherman.
The acting was superb. The songs were good as well, a little short but still
This two-parter has everything. Hilarious humor, profound lesson, great songs,
and there were some funny one-liners in there too. This is classic Odyssey.
The type that will be remembered and will be listened to over and over again.
At least, I know I will and I'm sure I'm not alone. They have again created
an episode that makes you laugh and that makes you think. Good job AIO!! Keep
up the good work!! (Link
to original review)
Corey gives the episode 5 stars (out of five).
Perfect! Wonderful episode! I loved it! I thought it was the best episode in a loooooong time including "I Slap Floor". I just wish there was a way that I could hear all of it. They should post this script on whitsend.org
Josh gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
For years I have always enjoyed watching "The Wizard of Oz" (1939). But after hearing this special 2 Part AIO Musical "The Great Wishy Woz"!! Well, I can't say how wonderfully the music, the plot, was everything was just great! I could not believe that Chris (Radio Host) was the one playing the part of Glenda! It really does not even sound like her at all. Well, all in all it was great. I hope that Focus on the Family will work at getting other Classic Family Musicals and turn them into a AIO Musical!! Well BROVO for "THE GREAT WISHY WOZ"!
Aaron gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
The Great Wishy Woz was pretty good. I thought that it was a little too goofy at times, but it had a lot of good lines. I thought that it was funny how they had the lion talking backwards, and how the Metal Guy would get irritated with it. The music was great, and most of the songs were okay. I didn't really get to hear the part were the Fisherman takes Mandy home (kids were being too noisy), but it sounded good. I think they should do more musicals.
Emily gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
I really loved " The Great Wishy Woz " Parts One And Two. The simple story of what the Master taught us. Follow the straight and narrow. No matter what we face, no matter what we don't seem to understand, he will never leave us. The musical numbers, sound production, the great vocal talents of Anthony, Herlinger, Leigh, Edmiston, Young, Madden, and voice master Corey Burton made this EP a delight. Welcome Home Odyssey!!!!
Errol gives the episode 3 1/2 stars (out of four).
This was the most anticipated episode of the new fall season and boy did it deliver. The episode was great in almost every respect and it was nice to hear the return of some of our favorite characters. The songs were great fun to listen to and both John Beebee and John Campbell did a great job in creating them...
I honestly had chills going up and down my spine as I heard [the scene where the fisherman tells Dotty who He is along.]...
A few things that I didn't particularly like were things like the "Pizza Delivery Shoes" idea, and the fact the gang had little (if any) difficult in obtaining the items they need. ....(Link to original Soda Fountain Review)
ShadowPaw gives the episode 5 stars (out of five).
I just heard the 2nd part, and it was good. I was very impressed with Chris' dead-on impersonation of Glenda from the original movie. The only things that bugged me were the overly-convent plot devices (shoes turning into Pizza? Just blowing a whistle at the Witch causes her to shrink?) and the singing, since I'm not much on musicals. But the great lines from "Bernard" and "Jack" more than made up for it. Do you have to talk like that? It's batting me drivey!!
JoyElectric gives the episode 3 1/2 stars.
Part One:
Okay, I'll say it right now--I have never really liked musicals but some how
The Great Wishy Woz 1 was just a little (no tribute to the ep intended) different.
This ep had some good lines and excellent sound effects and music (by music
I am not talking about the lyrics....though fairly good). One of the lines I
liked the best was when the mannequin said "Some people are out of their
minds....my mind is out of me." Dave Madden's character is so much like
Bernard it's almost scary. And my favorite line out of this ep "I'd like
This may be insignificant but Dottie seemed a little too friendly with the people
she met along the way. I mean this world isn't safe. Maybe I'm just paranoid,
but I could just picture something happening to a kid because of talking to
strangers while walking to and from school or what not. I don't mean to bash
the AIO team when I say that. Also the shoe turning into a pizza????? Strange......but
I must admit I liked it.
Okay in summary, this ep was very well done. On the most part I felt it was
for children who were between ages 9 and 11 (a big improvement over the ages
I was suggesting for some of the spring eps). Although I felt like I was slightly
too old to be listening to this episode. I am glad I did. It was funny and it
goes back to an old lesson we learned with Jimmy Barclay in "Wonderworld"....You're
never too old to use your imagination."
Part Two:
I like this ep. Both parts kept my attention. I love the way Metal Guy (played
by Dave Madden) was so similar to Bernard......it wasn't the same as hearing
Bernard sit down and tell one of his stories, but it was good to hear his voice
I got laughs throughout this whole part as well as the first part. The sound
effects were really well done, as was the story in general.
Audrey gives the episode 9 stars (out of ten).
This was a great episode, although I thought that I was way above the age range for this episode. I was telling my parents about this episode and they thought it was immature. I loved it though, especially the skinny road part. I moved a little fast, though and the point wasn't extremely clear. It could have been made more clear with a little more work. It should have had more music and singing, but I guess it might have gotten cut on the broadcast version. Can't they take out commercials to add more story? I was just wondering. Excellent ep, though!!
Michael gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
Part One:
I LOVED IT !!! It was so great and funny !! I missed the Beginning AGAIN (slow clock) but I loved each scene and it was great to hear the characters of old again. even if not them their voices. and was Chris the Oddmother she mentioned her OWN name at the end. and the way the munchkin people did the aliens from Toy Story "oooo ahh" was hilarious meant or not. I LOVED IT !! I am soooo ready for PART 2 !! YAY
Part Two:
I LOVED IT !!! It was great !! great lesson !!!! It was so good and sometimes funny and I enjoyed it very much. keep up good work. GO MANDY. It may be a parody but its cool. I know Corey Burton played fisherman but he sounded like another character who was that, not Cryin' Bryan Dern or Shakespeare but someone just with that voice anyway. YAY BRAVO!
James gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
I personally thought it was great.....even though I'm way beyond the "target age" for the show. (Link to Town Hall post)
I thought it was great. But I'm holding off a review of it until Part II airs. (Link to Town Hall post)
I loved this episode. It was so funny!! I like musicals and I like spoofs of movies, so maybe that is why I liked this episode so much. Every time I listened to the little people sing "Follow The Big Fat Road" I couldn't help but burst out laughing. There was great lines and the songs were good too! I was really looking forward to this episode and I wasn't let down! I cannot wait for part 2 next week. (Link to Town Hall post)
Corey gives the episode 5 stars (out of five).
I was a good ep for the most part it was very funny...but I think it lacked a strong lesson. I went away from the radio feeling like I didn't learn anything but they may bring in the lesson next week...?
DrBlackgaard gives the episode 4 stars (out of ten).
Part One:
Wonderful! These should happen more often! KIDS radio has just gotten better! In this new radio drama that has ever one singing for joy as we are off to find the WONDERFUL WISHY WOZ! Very creative writing, and wonderful songs! This first part seems almost to lack a message/lesson...
Once you finishing listing to this wonderful adventure, you will want more of these type of KIDS radio adventures, and why not?....
Part Two:
Although it can get maybe a little slow at times, the episode [takes] a few unexpected turns, and for a moment the episode seems almost unpredictable. Which is very good, because one thing that get tiring is an episode that is always predicable, that you can live without hearing/seeing the end. Although, in this episode you can live without hearing the end, you would rather not.
A wonderful message starts to work its way in as 'how much are we willing to give up to follow the I am'?...The 'fisherman' is a tender young man, and the voice casting was perfect, as Cory Burton did an excellent job as the fisherman. (Link to Ultimate AIO site review)
Jeff gives the episode 4 1/2 stars (out of five).
Good episode. I liked John Beebee's writing in this nice tale, and although I never liked the Wizard of Oz. I like this episode, it has a nice soft touch and it seems better then most of the spring episodes and had a nice touch to it. I think that the guy who plays Harlow should have played the Lion, but it seemed that the songs were much better then the movie of Oz, only they were too short. I hope there is another singing one soon!.... (Link to Ultimate AIO site review)
Scott gives the episode 4 stars (out of five).
455: Best Laid Plans |
Reviews for Best Laid Plans are (like the episode) a bit more subdued than some of the season so far. Most are agreeing that it's been good to hear Jason again and wondering if there is any future between Jason and Amy. Some enjoyed the slower pace, while others liked the usage of characters and the interesting dynamic of the gang at the Timothy Center.
Something that many didn't like about the episode was Jason's line about thinking he had another property. That line seemed to be either a lead-in to another story point or a suggestion that Josh was stealing from him.
...This episode was great. It was exciting. Funny, at parts, but not too funny...
...Anyway, Marshal Younger did a great job. I thoroughly enjoyed Best Laid Plans...I hope that Adventures in Odyssey continues to make episodes like these.
Fun, exciting, and original. (Link to original Webshack Review)
Dawey gives the episode 8.5 stars (out of ten).
Like most people, I generally liked this episode. Amy... hmm, wasn't Jason engaged to Tasha (even after they decided not to get married right then because she wasn't a Christian?)
I also agreed with the others about the missing property. I also felt that the scene at the Timothy Center was really good, but was missing something -- it seemed rather sudden that only a small part was touching, but yet it seemed like it really impacted people. But perhaps that's what is supposed to be... that all that nonsense was overwhelmed by the power of that one poetic confession of faith.
By the way, I'm listening on RealAudio from Malaysia!
Ian gives the episode 3 stars.
Jason decided to stick around which is good thing since I really like him...Hopefully [the new family] sticks around...It was also hinted that Amy might be a love interest for Jason...
This was the best use of the Timothy Center yet...Connie was very funny when she was trying to keep the gangs entertained. The poem was very nice too...
I thought the lesson could of been brought out a little more powerfully, but the lesson was still brought out well.
Great story. Great humor. Great lesson. Great episode.... (Link to original review)
Corey gives the episode 4 stars (out of five).
It was too cool or should I say Too Large? :)
Andy gives the episode 3 1/2 stars (out of four).
Another great entry for AIO this year. Like most, I wonder if there is a future for Jason and Amy. The use of the Timothy Center was at it's best so far, comedy (Connie trying to start singing) and emotional depth (Gang leader's poem, laying down his life for the Lord). It is also great to hear that Bob Luttrell is back on board this season. Looking forward to perhaps a refreshing storyline for Eugene this season. The series so far has given us back the emotional range of the classics, while dropping in so new ideas. Good work, AIO!!
Errol gives the episode 3 1/2 stars (out of four).
This was a good episode. It was one of the best so far this fall. The fall season continues to be much better than spring 2000.
TWF gives the episode 3 1/2 stars (out of four).
This was a good episode! I liked it better than the others they have had this season. It was nice to hear Connie and Tom in their normal characters again, and it was good to hear Jason. The two gangs at the Timothy Center was interesting; it helped verify Tom's comment that the Timothy Center would be for all kinds of kids. I also thought the scenes with Jason and Amy were interesting; something that will go on in future episodes, perhaps? I don't know, but this was definitely a great episode!
Emily gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
...While you listen, you hear the old side of Odyssey in a brand new way, in fact, in a better way. We meet new friends, laugh and learn a lesson, and most of all, isn't this what Odyssey is about?
Now, I must say that this is one of the most well written episodes of all-time Odyssey...We really like Josh, and we get an idea that Jason may really like Amy, but maybe not...
I can say that this is the best Timothy Center episode yet, and I can go on about how much it was like Odyssey, and what was right in the episode, but when it all comes down to the episode, well, you just had to hear it. You just had to be there for yourself. (Link to original UAIO review)
Jeff gives the episode 4.8 stars (out of five).
This was another episode that certainly felt like classic episodes from long ago. There was a perfect atmosphere with the rain falling in the background, providing a sense of darkness and mystery. The music was also very well done, and so was the acting which was good from all sides...
...[There as a point where] I felt like there should have been more. For example, when Jason was saying that he thought he owned another board piece, it seemed like they were about to reach a climax. But it seemed that everything was brushed aside within the next few moments, and the story was pushed to a close.
However, it is obvious that this episode will somehow play a role in the future story arc and perhaps some of my questions will be answered when the time is right. Overall, this was a very good episode. (Link to original Soda Fountain review)
Shadowpaw gives the episode 4 stars (out of five).
This is easily my favorite of the year. BLP is more subdued and goes at a slower pace than most recent episodes, and this is a good thing. Jason's interaction with Amy and her son was wonderful, and I seriously wonder if Jason has a new love interest. I could go on for awhile about this one but, I'll just say this is one to tape and listen to again and again.
JoyElectric gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
Another great AIO ep! I can't believe how good this season is tuning out! It was great to hear Jason again! It is one of those Episodes that the whole family can enjoy! Keep up the good work, AIO team!
DrBlackgaard gives the episode 3 stars (out of four).
I thought that the inclusion of gangs really gave the Timothy Center a more multicultural spin. Not just a camp for kids, but a help center for troubled teens. The poem also added a nice touch. During the board game Jason plays his comment about "Wait, I thought I had another [property]" was misleading to believe that his opponent was cheating. But overall an average episode.
Kristina gives the episode 3 stars (out of four).
I liked this one. I've been a little frustrated with the new episodes so far because of all the new characters, most of which get on my nerves. But this one sounded like the old ones. Good job.
Jodi gives the episode 3 1/2 stars (out of four).
456: Worst Day Ever |
Reviews for Worst Day Ever are, well, the most subdued of the year so far. While people compliment the acting in the episode, many of them question the believability of the many, many bad things that happen to Mandy. Additionally many people wanted elaboration on exactly what did happen to Fluffyface.
Some production problems or difficulties were spotted by some, while others felt that Mandy was being overused.
Wow, I can't believe some people put it last on the list. (Slumber Party's last for me) For me, it's either the best or tying with "Life trails of the rich and famous".
Dave gives the episode 4 1/2 stars (out of five).
I enjoyed this episode. I will admit that it is probably my least favorite
of the fall season so far, but still I enjoyed it....
The probability of all that stuff happening to one person on one day is highly
unlikely, but we have had days that have seemed like that one...
While I somewhat felt sympathy for Mandy, I couldn't help laughing at some
of Mandy's dilemmas....Also I found Alex hilarious when he kept trying to find
out what was the sin in Mandy's life that was causing her to have such a bad
...WORST DAY EVER was a fun and enjoyable little episode.... (Link
to original review)
Corey gives the episode 3 3/4 stars (out of five).
This was a great ep! How could all that stuff happen to one person in a day? Anyway, it had a great moral and was, again, a awesome ep!
Gideon gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
I think it was an exellent story so I would give it 4 stars. It was also a funny story with a good meaning to it.
Justin gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
Good. What else is there to say. Not bad, not great, but good. I kinda like them gradually making Mandy a main character. As for Sarah... IT'S BETTER THAN LIZ :) Unlike most of the rest of the reviews, this much could have happened to Mandy. If you think hard enough, you'll probably find a day in your life when a lot of bad happened to you. It might have been a better episode if it had a short during the the commercial break :)
Kevin gives the episode 2 1/2 stars (out of four).
For all the complaints about how unreal it was, I've had days like that (well, except for the pothole part). I think the point wasn't driven home hard enough. Mandy still went to bed without knowing about her dead/sick cat. The one thing I would have done is to go home, sit down, and just not do anything for half an hour (maybe she would be all right as long as a tornado didn't blow the house away...). Alex was great. It was interesting.
Marshal gives the episode 3 stars (out of four).
Boy, when it rains it pours doesn't it? I thought " The Worst Day Ever " was a cute EP. A little over blown, but made it's point. I liked the " Mr. Hoobler " line. Hey, what's the deal with that as if we didn't know. Good acting.
Errol gives the episode 2 1/2 stars (out of four).
"Worst Day Ever" lacked the true tone of Odyssey. I had to wait until the end just to get the meaning of the episode. I kept wondering when it was going to make sense. The idea for the program is really a good one, but the story took the long way to get there.
Kristen gives the episode 1/2 star (out of four).
Mandy is one of my favorite kids in Odyssey right now; she reminds me of Lucy a little. Yes, her day is a little far-fetched, but I think we've all had bad days in our life that FEEL like hers! I really appreciated Connie's part in the middle, as I enjoyed Mandy's interaction with her mom. Whit doesn't always need to be the one coming to the rescue at these times...there are other spiritual mentors for the kids. Overall a good show, not the best this season, but still good...considering this one is especially geared at people less than 1/2 my age. And, what's up with this Mr. Hoobler bit? That one's a fun inside joke!!
JoyElectric gives the episode 3 stars (out of four).
This ep was okay. Granted I just recently started listening to the series when my younger sister got me into it a few weeks ago, so there's a lot of stuff I don't quite understand about the program. The only major problem that I had with the ep was that I doubt that anyone could have that many bad things happen to them in one day. Other than that it was pretty good.
Missy gives the episode 3 1/2 stars (out of four).
This episode isn't my favorite of the season, but it wasn't as bad as it seemed when I first listened to it.... As usual, the acting was generally pretty good...we were able to empathize with [Mandy's] plight.
However, there were a few production problems that bothered me. For example, the bike scene from the school to Whit's End was very hard to swallow...
Also, now this might just be because I listened to it on the Internet, but a few times it was hard to understand Mandy and it sounded like she was just mumbling....
I'm sure most will agree it's far better then what most of the spring season pumped out.. (Link to original Soda Fountain review)
Shadowpaw gives the episode 3 stars (out of five).
Okay, I liked it...Another kids side of life. Of course I am a HUGE Mandy fan, so I felt bad for her and it was bad for her. But it was a cool ep. I didn't get the end. What did happen to fluffy face? And where were the voice talents at end? (Link to original Town Hall post)
James gives the episode 4 stars (out of five).
This episode was one of the best this season. Not Idol Minds quality, mind
you, but pretty good.
This episode was good, but it was flawed in the fact that no one could have
this many misfortunes in a single day. The odds are one in a trillion. Mandy
falls in the toilet, gets detentions, misses a chance in a band or something,
misses a book report, falls in the mud, etc.
My humble opinion is that Mandy has been extremely overused. Rather than use Mandy, they should use some of the other girls in Odyssey, such as Sara Pratchett. (Link to original review)
I'd give "Worst Day Ever" 2 1/2 stars. It's a little unrealistic. I mean come on... I've had bad days but nothing like that, although I could relate to Mandy in certain instances. First her watch stops (highly unlikely to happen with out a warning, batteries generally slow down before dropping dead), next she gets her report mixed up (if the report was THAT important I'd make sure I didn't get it mixed up). The part about when she got to class was ok. Very realistic sound for her French horn try out (I just started playing French horn). I'll have to cut this short (running out of time)...we never did find out what happened to Fluffyface. And by the way if a mean looking, growling dog takes your knapsack I'd say the best thing is let him have it, don't run after him or he may just turn around and take a chunk out of you! Oh and I thought Alex was funny trying to figure out what Mandy had done to deserve the bad day. Well that's my two cents.
Carol gives the episode 2 1/2 stars.
457: Opportunity Knocks |
Listeners are giving Opportunity Knocks nothing but praise. Many are excited about the possibility of a new storyline. Specifically, the similarities to the Blackgaard saga are pointed out.
Wow, the whole week of reviews has gone by and nobody noted the name Arthur Dent? I guess this is a different crowd from the people who read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams? Arthur Dent was the main character from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - I assume Marshal Younger was a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fan.
Like the others, I, too, am looking forward to the new storyline!
"What is going to happen next?" That is the question most of us were asking after listening to this episode....
...It was great to hear all the main characters there acting like themselves.
It was also nice to hear CANDID CONVERSATIONS WITH CONNIE again. The story wasn't
very strong. It was good, just didn't seem to have a very big plot. There wasn't
a lot of humor, although Bethany's list of things she'd do to save money was
quite amusing....
...The suspense was built up very well...The other thing that stuck out to me
was what Arthur Dent said to Tom Riley after they looked at his field, "And
I think this is the beginning of a long lasting relationship between us".
Those were almost the exact same words of Dr. Regis Blackgaard in THE NEMESIS.
I don't know about this long lasting relationship, but that long lasting relationship
didn't turn out to well....
This episode introduced us to many new developments in Odyssey. And I can't
wait to hear what's going to happen next!!!.... (Link
to original review)
Corey gives the episode 4 stars (out of five).
Great episode! Finely AIO has a villain again! I hope Glossman steps into the picture soon... though I'm not sure if he and Arthur Dent would get along too well... they both seem too power hungry. It was nice to hear Whit and Tom like themselves again. I can't wait to see how this thing plays out! it could be better than the Blackgaard saga! Keep it up, AIO team!
DrBlackgaard gives the episode 3 1/2 stars (out of five).
A very nice episode. Not the most dramatic AIO I have ever heard, but, just like "Small Fires, Little Pools," it could lead into a great new Odyssey storyline and another nemesis. Also pleased to hear Whit sound like himself instead of an "angry sometimes, lenient others" type person. Back to the old style Whit in this well-written episode. This episode makes me want to ask some questions:
Once again, GREAT EPISODE. Can't wait to hear the rest!
Jared gives the episode 4 stars (out of five).
Well done! It was good to finally hear AIO the 'old' way. Great plot building, interesting characters. Thanks for letting us know that Mr. Jacobs is still in town, so is Robyn in college? I look forward to seeing/hearing how all of this will play out.
Kristen gives the episode 4 stars (out of five).
...Soon...we were greeted by Candid Conversations with Connie which has been missing from Odyssey for quite some time.
...Even the musical transitions sounded like old times, and there was a lot of suspense present in the final scene...
One thing I felt was missing after I finished the episode, was that there wasn't much of a plot. However, this episode was more of an introduction to a new character, more so then story driven...
...I for one am glad Odyssey is once again going in this direction... (Link to original Soda Fountain review)
Shadowpaw gives the episode 4 stars (out of five).
I like this ep. So far it sounds like it will be better than the DBD saga. Though for once I'm not totally sure WHY I liked it but it was great and I am anxiously waiting to see waiting to see what will happen in the eps to follow. Great job, AIO team!
Audrey gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
Getting better. I'm glad to hear they are finally starting a new storyline and letting us know what is going on with some of the major characters. Aubrey and Bethany are good here too—not nearly as annoying as some of the other new kids, particularly Alex and Liz. Is it just me, or does Arthur Dent sound like Malachi (the angel)? Maybe it's just the accent.
Jodi gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
Ah, a new plot in Odyssey! I personally think this might be a new plan by Glossman. Have to wait and see as this story unfolds.
Paul gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
This was a great episode! I can't wait until Nova Rising. This could be the start of another GREAT storyline from Odyssey. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
Dustin gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
Andy gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
I thought this was a very good episode; Whit is finally acting like a real character. I like Arthur Dent’s voice; he sounds like he could be a very good villain. (Link to original Town Hall review)
Very suspenseful. Can't wait to see what conspires because of this episode. Also the company that bought the Odyssey Times told Dale Jacobs to back off from doing a article. That could definitely lead to problems. And did you notice what Arthur Dent said. He said something about this being the start of a long lasting relationship with Odyssey. Those were almost the exact same words Dr. Blackgaard said in THE NEMESIS. Like I said very suspenseful. (Link to original Town Hall review)
Great episode that will lead to bigger things. I can't wait to see how it plays out. It was great to finally hear Arthur Dent. I wonder about this tower and stuff. It is suspenseful. I can't wait to Feb. 3rd and see what follows. only time will tell. It was great to hear John Beebee and see what he sounds like. (Link to original Town Hall review)
James gives the episode 5 stars (out of five).
I liked "Opportunity Knocks" two fold. Number one, we should always pray no matter how big or small the decision is we have to make. We are told to cast our cares on the Lord. The second reason made me smile. Tom was somewhat relieved after prayer, but Whit had that old nagging feeling. The only thing missing was one of Jack's dreams, but who knows? That could be forth coming. Could we be on the path that is leading to a long awaited MAJOR story line for Odyssey (A la Glossman/Blackgaard), and will we find at the end of that path a whole, new "Nemesis"? I'm excited. Keep it up, AIO Team!!
Errol gives the episode 3 stars (out of four).
Whoa!!! This episode sounds like the beginning of a MAJOR storyline! The core players that have been there for the run of the show are actively involved (Connie, Tom, Whit). I enjoyed Bethany's list of way to save money, and Aubrey's discussion of giving blood was good comic relief. It was good to hear Whit and Tom have a heartfelt discussion again, it seems like it's been awhile. Anyway, minor quibbles aside (Whit called them Novacast RIGHT after he heard it called Novacom), I think we've got a full scale saga dawning....
Joy gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
458: Red Herring |
Reviewers are giving Red Herring a resounding and exciting thumbs up and are cheering the new storyline. The two clear concerns, however, are that fans wanted to know a bit more information in this episode and they wanted to hear Eugene's voice.
Red Herring was a great ep! Full of suspense! I hope we find out soon how this whole thing with Novacom turns out. But I hope they don't drag it out too long, I want to know what happens!
Carol gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
Wonderful! I know everybody missed Eugene but not having him was a good touch. Great job, Connie and son!!!
Nathan gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
This was a great episode, but I didn't like how it simply ended. I was hoping to hear Chris' "Tune in next time to find out" in there somewhere, but never did. Hopefully this story will continue through the episodes to come. I would like to say it is Novacom, but can anyone be sure?
Dustin gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
I really loved Red Herring!! It kept me on the edge of my seat and I went crazy
when my internet kicked off & I had to get back on!!
OF COURSE it's Novacom who's hacking into Whit's and Campbell colleges computers...
but why? Are they after Eugene's new project, or something more? Why'd they
pick Campbell College to hack into? What are they after, what will they do next?
Also... where's Eugene??? We've heard mention of him all season, but NO EUGENE!!!
Where, oh where are you?? Did the actor miss the session? I hope we see
Will Ryan show up soon. (Link
to original Town Hall post)
A very good episode. It left you hanging. Just like OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS. It will probably all be tied together eventually. Also there was another CANDID CONVERSATIONS WITH CONNIE. It was pretty funny in places. The only thing is that we have not heard Eugene's voice all season. (Link to original Town Hall post)
Very cool show! The new kid named Cal sounds like he might be a trouble-maker like Jared. Welcome to the show Cal, aka Katie's son. (Link to original Town Hall post)
A totally cool ep! The only problem is that it doesn't really conclude. It's exciting and suspenseful, but then it ends, without any promise of a second part. I suppose it is another Novacom part. There is a whole lot that isn't answered. Who is Arem? Who's the "telephone company" woman? Anyway, i hope Slumber Party has something to say about it, or at least next season. (Link to original Town Hall post)
AIOFan gives the episode 4 stars (out of five).
Another fine episode from John Beebee, full of mystery and suspense....The acting was good for the most part, and Cal (Katie Leigh's son) sounds like he has a lot of potential. The story also gave us a better look at the depth of Alex's character, which is sure to expand as the story continues to grow....
Even the character of Arem was well used, and I hope we get to hear from him/her very soon. But so far, the future of Odyssey is certainly looking bright.... (Link to original Soda Fountain review)
Shadowpaw gives the episode 4 1/2 stars (out of five).
I really liked it but it kinda sounded strange. Is this a part of the Novacom storyline? Is this a new story line? I sure hope that this episode isn't the last we'll hear of this mystery. I was kinda disappointed that the detective would be so careless as to touch evidence in a major crime without having some specialist check it out first. I really think that this episode was one of the best mysteries ever. I just hope we will find out more about this hacker person or persons.
DrBlackgaard gives the episode 4 stars (out of five).
That plot thickens!! In this episode, we learn that someone is once again infiltrating Whit's End, but why? While Alex and Cal are no Lucy and Sam (or Lucy and Jack), they do a good job bouncing off each other. And, unlike the last episode, this one seemed to have a bit more solid "point" to it, and could exist on it's own. We are left with more questions than answers. There's only one problem: this is the second episode technically with Eugene but without Eugene, what's up with that? Anyway, It's great to have Odyssey back again!
Joy gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
Ah, the plot thickens. Who, or what is "Red Herring," and what part could Eugene be playing in this, other than being a red herring himself? And is there an organization behind the mysterious self destructing modem that was hacked into Whit's computer? This is really getting good!! I am totally enjoying this season. Katie Leigh's son is a chip off the ol' block. Good acting and writing.
Errol gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
A wonderful story with an exciting cliff-hanger ending!
Thomas gives the episode 4 stars (out of four).
459: Slumber Party |
I liked it, but I also thought it was a bit silly. I'm glad Chris told us at the end not to do what the girls did with that light. Also, as somebody else said in their review, that the lights outside thing never was resolved. Also, I think it was a bit rude for the boys to just bust on the girls sleepover. It wasn't very funny though. I don't think they really told the lesson to make it stick in your mind. I've even forgotten what it was! Maybe I could rate it three and a half.
Heather gives the episode 3 stars (out of five).
...There were also a few new things in the episode that made me think. For starters, it's not very often that you hear characters of Odyssey talking about members of the opposite sex. However, for the third time this season we hear Liz expressing her feelings for another boy. It's also not the first time she's mentioned liking Alex. Maybe there's a possible romance in the future for the two of them?....
I'm on the verge of getting very tired with [Mandy's] innocent, little kid persona. It was cute at first, but it's been the same thing for the past 3 years and now it just seems like a gimmick for her character that is beginning to wear thin...
...Well enough about that, let's talk about the plot. I found it unbelievable at times, and I can't see how anyone can be scared to walk down to the end of a driveway. Besides, no junior high school students that I know of would be afraid of the "Glowing Eyed Monster". Speaking of which... I don't think the source of the light was every resolved in the episode, it was just a loose end. Ah well... I did like the music though...
...With that in mind, I'm glad this season went so well and it was a very nice change from the spring season gone by. Bring on Novacom, bring on Arem, bring on the new characters... let the next season begin! (Link to original Soda Fountain review)
Shadowpaw gives the episode 3 stars (out of five).
Slumber Party is AIO at its absolute worst!!! Wow!!! is there an award for worst episode of the season? This episode had no plot had all, and when it did make sense, it was just idiotic. Maybe my standards were too high for this episode because of the last few. Still, I couldn't believe while I was listening that this was AIO!! Ranger Bill maybe!! My brother wanted to turn it off because the stupidness was driving him crazy!! I hope AIO never stoops this low ever again. It was a terrible note to end the season on, but hopefully next season will bring joy to the world!! (Link to original Town Hall post)
I agree it stunk pretty bad. (Link to original Town Hall post)
I didn't think SLUMBER PARTY was that bad. It wasn't great like the other episodes this season. Although it is probally tied for my least favorite episode of the season. I still didn't think it was bad. It was a fun little episode to end the season with. I liked how almost all the main kid characters were there. (Link to original Town Hall post)
I kinda liked it. BE NICE. It wasnt that bad. It was kinda funny. It was a show for kids. It was kinda cool...not really. (Link to original Town Hall post)
James gives the episode 2.5 stars (out of five).
I agree. It wasn't that bad. I want to know why everyone went from whiny about the night to happy about the night...I never got THAT much fun cleaning. Besides, if this is the worst of the season, it's a far cry the embarassment of "Idol Minds" or anything else last year. (Link to original Town Hall post)
I agree that it wasn't all that bad. Admitedly, I have been to many a slumber party...and none of them were like that, but it had its funny parts. Whats so bad about walking down a driveway? Even if its long and has trees? When my friendsa nd i are up that late we just get goofy. I don't know...and who ever thought of rosting pizza on a light bulb? Anyway...I thought it had its funny parts, but last week's was better. (Link to original Town Hall post)
Okay Slumber Party wasn't as good as the past few, but it wasn't that bad either....does anyone remember the spring season? BTW I've been to a few slumber parties (when I lived out in the country that did get VERY chaotic... And for the record...a few times we actually cooked things (marshmellows, pizza, etc.) over the lightbulbs....though it didn't turn out bad. (Link to original Town Hall post)
Audrey gives the episode 2 1/2 stars (out of four).
Slumber party was bad compaired to the rest of this seson, (and what I expected) but (as many of you have already pointed out) it was much, much better than any of the episodes aired this spring. (Link to original Town Hall post)
DrBlackgaard gives the episode 4 stars (out of ten).