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Have you heard "Odyssey Sings"? If so, send us your review for posting on the 'net! |
note of about the ratings... All ratings are out of four unless otherwise
"The Invisible Dog" is generating positive reviews, both for it's story and for the continuing strength of Eugene Meltsner. Almost everybody agrees that Eugene has given Odyssey a new lease on life. Most enjoyed having him as a substitute teacher, with some wondering why this kind of thing had never come up before.
The two most-talked about scenes, however, didn't involve Eugene. The first was a scene where Lester tells Trent about his dog getting hit by a car and Trent shares a secret from his past. The writing, performances, and especially the use of sound effects were praised on this scene.
The second memorable scene was the ending scene where Trent gave Lester a puppy. Most agreed it was sweet.
6. Max Hampton
4. Jonh Whittaker
3. Trent Dewhite
2. Eugene Meltsner
1. Lester
Keep up the good work, AIO...and God bless.
That said, we need to get onto
a more negative footing and that unfortunately is Eugene. After his starring
performance in "Two Friends and A Truck", Eugune is reduced to
being a dry, bumbling substitute teacher. Never mind the fact that we've
never seen Eugene teaching before or that the writers drop Eugene into a
class without bothering to give some background. It was all very strange
and it definitely didn't work. I know
the writers are wanting to re-introduce Eugene again but please, put him
in natural situations Eugene is likely to be in.
That brings to light a problem
AIO has on their hands. Eugene was largely the brainchild of writers that
no longer make major contributions to AIO. That said, I'm worried Eugene
is no longer going to be the character we've
come to know and love. I mean no offense to the current writers but they've
butchered so many characters on AIO that I'm almost expecting Eugene lose
most of his character and become a one-dimensional person like the majority
of the characters on today's AIO.
I was glad AIO brought a lesson or two into the episode but like most episodes within the past three or four years, it lacked spiritual dimension and power.
All in all, it was a good ep, though! It's still so wonderful to hear from Eugene!
I type this with tears in my eyes, thank you Odyssey for such a great ep.
However, the show could have added more Scriptural emphasis and less pop psychology. I believe "God" was mentioned only once in the show. I mean, why do we have to wait until the end of the show to hear the Scriptural application from Chris when Whit can just as easily say it in the program?
That's my only small complaint with the episode. Otherwise, it was very nicely done.
This episode followed another tried-and-true method: A/B story- follow the two plots, tie them together at the end, and throw in a spiritual application at the end.
Is this 2005? (Yes, I know I asked that last week, but I have to ask it again b/c I still don't believe it).
As for the actual story, I like it. It was nice to hear from Lester again. He's one of those characters that, if used sparsely, can bring something to the show. And the Eugene bit was good too. I wasn't surprised that he, at first, stayed at a level far above those he was teaching, and later had to face up to the fact that that wouldn't work. It reminds me of "Do, For a Change."
I also agree with Christian Cowgirlthe sound effects during Trent's flashback were marvelous.
I'm usually really hesitant to say that we've made a return to "classic" Odyssey after hearing an episode I really liked, because the next few might not be so great. But this is the third episode after the "something big" episodes that I've absolutely loved, and I'm getting close to saying it"classic Odyssey" is back.
Keep up the terrific work, Odyssey!
I did have one concern. The proof that Trent used on Lester's dog bothered me. You see it's almost word for word what many of my classmates and friends have used to disprove the existence of God. I'm kinda surprised Trent didn't realize it when he said it, but also very glad. Maybe I only noticed it because I've heard it so much.
Anyway, other than that one little thing I absolutely loved this ep. It reminded me of my 3rd period class. (I TA for a geometry class.) So I actually understood Eugene's remblings for once.
Great job, Odyssey.
The scene with Trent and Lester was great in an sad way. The sounds made it come to life. I could see the dog getting hit in the road.
Eugene as a teacher was great, but I thought that Trent was older then grade 7.
This show also added an problem to the Odyssey map. But that's just so out of whack already it dosen't really matter. Trent said he was at the park, so McAlister Park and his house was across the street. So another person the lives right by Whit's End and the DeWhites are supposed to live on another street.
Ed Note: It's doubtful that the DeWhites live in the same house that they lived in before they moved away. They were gone for years so someone else probably moved into their old house. However, a lot of people do seem to live near McAlister Park...it must be huge!
As for the episode, it was excellent. The dialogue was good, Eugene was using large words, humor was present, and the ep had a good point. The only thing of which I'm not sure is how Eugene got the teaching job. Other than that, he made a great sub. One I will definitely listen to many times in the future.
I didn't like Lester in "No Way Out/No Way In"...but I liked him
in this episode. He seemed liked a realistic character. Good job, AIO.
Eugene as a sub teacherwhat a fabulous idea! I think that Eugene would be a great teacher, and it was good to see him humble and willing to accept help at the end of the ep, realizing that his approach was not working, and accepting advice. I feel a lot of pity towards those poor students, thoughI find math bad enough without my know-it-all teacher who had no idea that nobody (except the way-too-smart kid) knows what's going on! I wonder if John Fornof knew all that math stuff, or if he researched it all specifically for this ep?
One thing I found weird was Trent's presence in the class. At the end of "Potential Possibilities," it sounded like Trent was going to go back to the gifted class, so he could be all that God wanted him to be and stuff like that. Now he's still in his normal class. I wonder what happened? I'm sure that storylines are easier with characters we already know, like Marvin, and I really liked this ep, but I would have liked some small explanation about the gifted class thing.
Worse off, I was worried about what they had done to Lester. First off, I think reappearances of characters are like Movie Sequels. They were good the first way through...but chances are they'll ruin it the second time. Lester was simply amazing in "No Way Out"...his acting and character was perfect for the part. But would they be able to pull it off once again? Why ruin an already decent character?
Though, this hasn't always been the case. I found I enjoyed Irving and Solly much more than the first time I heard them. So, character development could also bring about a better character. Thankfully, it was the same writer for both episodes. Lester seemed to be John Fornof's creation, and chances are, Lester would remain true to his character.
My uneasiness wasn't immediately cured through the first few minutes of the show. The timing for that Odyssey theme was terrible, first off. If you can't do it right, stick it at the beginning of the show. Secondly, I found out that the Invisible Dog wasn't something from Eugene...but from Lester; and was his imaginary friend.
As a brother of two mentally retarded siblings, I was wondering if handicaps actually do have Imaginary friends. Afterall, to concoct a friend who isn't there, it takes quite of bit of intellect. I always took that, aside from talking to themselves (in the down-syndrome category), they always depended on what was actually there. However, after asking my mom, she said that it all depends on how smart they are...and Lester is actually so smart that he knows he's not smart (which is actually the downside of being a smart handicap; to be so smart that you know your not...).
Finally, the final uneasiness had was to do with Eugene. He sounded almost at his greatest point of intellectuality, which is okay. It's only that I always assumed that he had learned to bring himself down to other people's levels over the years. Maybe being away so long made him smarter. He sounded almost; inhuman...like a robot.
So, did I enjoy this episode? Yes, every one of my uneasy feelings got cured. The ending with Lester ended up nicely. Eugene actually became human at the end...and learned something and came to a conclusion. I enjoyed that very much. "And that, Mr. Hampton, is it."
"B-I-N-G-O. B-I-N-G-O. B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his name-O!" The scene between Lester and Trent outta be on that "End of Season Awards." It was touching to hear a...well...touching scene between an adult and a kid. Those types of scenes are usually between two adults.
I find Trent's character was so similar to his brothers'. I mean, we could've practically stuck Jared in there, and it would've been the same (except we would've enjoyed it more). The whole, "analyzing" bit was totally Jared. Speaking of which, I'm starting to miss that guy...
It's good to hear from Max again. I wonder why they're having him stick around since his voice broke. I was really expecting Marvin to be there in his place. There has been talk about Marvin appearing in every episode ending in a "nine" since he's been here. Today, ladies and gentlemen, we can forget that theory...because episode 569 did not have him.
It seems that Odyssey hasn't been dealing with the same old themes. Don't get me wrong, we've heard the theme of "compassion" many times, but this episode took a different view on it. Some episodes would have a 25 minute broadcast dealing with a very specific part of a bigger theme. Just take a look at some themes such as lying; "Half-Lies," "Speaking the truth in Love," and "A Glass Darkly'...these themes have been just skimming another broader subject...ending up teaching us about more specific things than simply the usual well-known theme. If you don't get what I mean, forget it.
One major complaint about this
episode; and that's the title. Wow, "The Invisible Dog?" When
do we need to have two titles that almost completely resemble each other.
Even still, the dog wasn't invisible...it was imaginary. I mean, you couldv'e
had; "The Invisible Pet," or, "Bingo, the Beagle," or..."My
Dog, Ralph."
Well, there's already "The Imaginary Friend"...so it kind was
in the middle of two episodes if it decided to call itself, "The Imaginary
Dog." ...
All in all; a very decent episode. I enjoyed it, and it kept me guessing to what the moral to the story was. Eugene and Lester were great, and I found Connie kept at her "to-the-side" character nicely.
Good job, Odyssey! Two thumbs up!
I suppose things will start to heat up next week. Rating; 9/10.
Except for the Kids' Radio episode, this season has been fantastic! I don't know if we could ever get back to "classic" Odyssey again. I mean they don't call it "classic" for nothing. However, I think we are heading in the right direction.
I agree with the lot of you who say that Eugene is such an improvement to the show. I am astounded at how good each episode has been since his return. Hard to believe one character could make the difference, but it does. Eugene being back, its like we've gone back in time, back to the classic episodes. I love it.
The moral of this episode was wonderfully portrayed. I so enjoyed having Lester back. It will be nice to hear from him on occasion. Trent's character was a delight to hear from, and really loved the scene with him and Lester when Trent talks about his puppy dying. It was very sweetly written and performed. The ending, with Trent giving Lester an invisible puppy was awesome, especially Lester's line "I just played along."
Havine Eugene as a substitute... why oh why haven't they done that sooner? It was brilliant. Also brilliant to see Eugene learn a lesson. Brings out the humaness of his character, even Eugene can make mistakes. It was resolved nicely as well in the scene at the end where Eugene decides to listen to the students.
All around this episode was great. One that I will listen to again and again. This season has turned out wonderfully so far, I have yet to be dissapointed. Great job AIO team, please keep it up.
Oh... and am I the only one who gets a thrill out of hearing Chris say "and Will Ryan as Eugene"? I do believe thats my favorite part of every show.
The plot with Lester and his dog was a bit sad, a bit corny. I suppose I think it's corny because a dog was involved. I don't think that this ep would have worked as well if Jared had replaced Trent. I mean, can anyone see Jared singing "B-I-N-G-O"? Jared seems more the type to analyze Lester from a distance, and tie him into some evil plot.
I miss Jared terribly, by the way...
The Eugene schoolteacher plot was terribly disappointing. I was glad to hear from Max, and I smiled a few times during the scenes, but there wasn't anything I heard that would make me want to listen to the ep again.
Maybe I'm being overcritical. Maybe, after going so long without hearing new Eugene eps, I'm going crazy because I still can't comprehend the fact that Eugene is back. At any rate, I'm not sure what's wrong with this ep. Something seemed to be missing. Was it because the scenes were too short? Was there too much focus on Lester? Maybe.
Secondly, we have Lester and his imaginary friend. It was good to hear from him again, but the story was just too silly to me. I know the moral of the story was being able to see things through others' eyes, but the way in which it was done was too childish. It wasn't a bad episode, and it had a good lesson, but I didn't seem to enjoy it that much.
Some of the best reviews of the season are saved for its penultimate episode"For Better or for Worse, Part 1." Many reviewers agree that it had the feel of a "classic," bringing back nearly all of the main characters and featuring an event that fans have waited a decade forthe wedding of Eugene and Katrina!
Most loved seeing Tom and Bart banter, though a few felt their teasing of Eugene was a bit harsh. Everyone agreed that Connie was definitely in character and her conversations with Eugene were right on the mark. High marks were also given to production, music, and dialog.
Many didn't like Millie Shanks in the show, finding her overly controlling. Finally, Katrina remains a topic of debate, with many still feeling her "new" voice is hard to get used to. Others thought that she really "gelled" with the rest of the cast in this show, and didn't notice the change as much.
First off, let me address the voice casting...Katrina's and Mrs. Shank's voices are different from how I remember them from the good old episodes of 1996, but that can't be helped.
Now as to the episode itself...
First off, the dialogue between all the characters was VERY well-done. They sounded like good old vintage Odyssey episodes. For instance, Eugene's dialogue with Connie...it sounded JUST like back when they were arguing. And Connie's fuming after Mrs. Shanks made her comment...so like her.
Perhaps I come across as too impressed with the dialogue, but it's been a while since I heard an AIO episode that reminded me of how good the show was several years ago.
What else...Whit, Bernard and Tom were definitely the choices for bridegrooms. They were hilarious, and I can't wait to hear what Tom and Bernard get up to next episode.
Rathbone helping set up the wedding...brilliant touch.
Bernard's list of "10 things"...so revealing. :)
I also liked how Eugene questioned himself as to whether he was any less of a man and whether he was romantic. It seemed like something he would wonder about, and I enjoyed his kidnapping of Katrina...so sweet and hilarious.
As an old AIO fan, this episode was a real treat and delight for me to hear. I was skeptical at first, but they did a superb job. I can't wait to hear the next part.
Quotable quotes:
"What can I say, Eugene? When I make fun of you, I get on a roll!" -- Bernard
Bernard: "16 piece orchestra??"
Tom: "That's a lot of pieces, isn't it? Do they even make that
many instruments?"
Eugene: "I am your vindicator in illustrious metallica apparel!"
Mrs. Shanks: "It never
rains on a Shanks wedding!"
Connie: "No, it's a Meltsner wedding, and trust me, it WOULD rain
on a Meltsner wedding."
I really did not like that neither Eugene or Katrina had the backbone to stand up to Mrs. Shanks. I mean, this is Eugene and Katrina's wedding not her's! Eugene can't stand up to his mother in law? He is the head of the family! And Katrina can't even tell her own mother the truth? Another thing; why does AIO make Tom look like a idiot one minute then a normal guy the next? It really bugged me how they made Tom look like such an idiot in this episode! I mean they have done this before! One minute Tom can't understand that Whit is not having Robert Lewis Stevenson over for a chat because he is dead; the other time they have him be a dramatic character stuck right in the middle of the Nova Com saga! Argh!
The episode was very humorous, though. I loved the scene where Eugene took Katrina on a "romantic" drive! It was also funny to have Bart Rathbone in the episode! And finally Dreams By Constance is getting some work!
So, how did this episode measure up to my concerns?
Kathy Buchanan's writing impressed me. Like I said, I was concerned with her writing a "romantic" episode, but this time I wasn't disappointed. Most of the writing for the characters was terrific. Whit, Tom, Bernard, Eugene, Connie, and Bart (providing comic relief) were in their element. I know I've said it before, but I like hearing Tom and Bernard together; they play off each other so well. And Eugene is back to speaking the English langauge without anyone understanding (always good for a laugh). What it comes down to it, the episode wasn't too sappy or awkward in it's romance. Which is good for me, as I'm not interested in that.
Concerning Katrina......Actually, both Shanks annoyed me at times. First off, Katrina didn't sound herself in one scene, and I'm not talking about the voice. The scene in the park (I think it was the park) with Katrina, Connie, and Millie, the stubborn headstrong independent strong person I saw in "Wrapped Around Your Finger." Maybe this could be explained by a slight personality change because of the last several years and what they'd been through, but I still expected the strong character I've come to know. And Millie's acting seemed a little forced, but maybe it's just me. Of course, all these observations may be considered moot at the moment as I haven't heard part 2 yet. That and perhaps Millie is supposed to be annoying in part 1. Like I said, I need to hear part 2 (hence the problem with writing reviews for the first part in a 2 part episode and what not).
As for the content (aka number 3 on my list) it was also good. My friend's sister recently got married, and I was stressed out without even being involved with the planning! So I have a very vague idea on how nuts it can be. We get a good taste of that listening to Connie and Millie go at it.
In fact, my only significant complaint is the lack of spiritual content (which I hope is brought into the story in part2).
I just realized something; this is much more of an analyzation of the episode than a review, so I'm going to stop writing and review it next week. As for my rating; it was enjoyable, not too sappy, the characters sounded very much like themselves (with a few exceptions), they piqued my interest at the end of part 1 (good since it's a two parter) and I think that I'm even getting used to Audrey Wasilewski as Katrina.
I can't wait till next week's ep!
Keep up the good work, AIO and God bless.
What I didn't care for was Mrs. Shanks being so controlling. She was a lot better character in the Novacom saga although, come to think of it, she was just as controlling before that.
I can't wait to see how the wedding does come off. I think Eugene needs to be himself instead of always taking everyones suggestions so literally. The flowers in the car was nice but not knowing how to change a tire (or know what a jack is) seemed a little far-fetched.
All in all, a great episode and continues to reintegrate Eugene back into Odyssey. Way to AIO.
Eugene was hilarious, and his personality conflict was perfectly understandable. His "knight-in-shining armor" scenes were hilarious. Tom and Bernard working together was funny, too. I was also glad to see that, even though Connie was angry in this episode, she didn't suddenly redux in character development like she has in episodes like "Seeing Red." Her scene with Eugene talking about his wedding vow was perfect.
Now, the negative. I still can't really enjoy Audrey Wasilewski's potrayal of Katrina. She's a good actress, but she just doesn't embody what Katrina was when she was played by Pamela Hayden. She also doesn't have much chemistry with Will Ryan. Katrina and Eugene sounded like casual friends, not two people who are already married and about to renew their vows. Please, AIO producers, if its possible to bring Pamela Hayden back, do so! I would enjoy seeing Ms. Wasilewski in another role, but Katrina doesn't seem like Katrina without Pamela Hayden playing her.
I was also surprised that Katrina gave so easily into her mother's demands. I understand her wanting to please her since her father died, but letting her change everything about the wedding? It seemed out of character. Katrina wasn't nearly as much of a pushover in "Wrapped Around Your Finger." I was also a little disturbed by Tom and Bernard's malicious teasing of Eugene. Talk about bringing him down. I also wish Whit would have done more to stop them!
Overall, I'm not sure what I think of "For Better of For Worse, Part 1." I'll probably have a definite opinion by Part 2.
It's rather hard to give a full review on half a show. It would be like stopping a movie part-way and telling people whether you enjoyed it or not. Odyssey episodes with several parts aren't really sequels, but more extended stories chopped up into pieces...with the sole purpose to annoy you for a week. Thank you Lord for Odyssey on CD.
Anyways, yes, my review. I was expecting this Kathy Buchanan Production to be highly hectic with several things happening at once while trying to extend the character's personalities to the point that we flinch when we hear them say something that doesn't seem to line up with their personality. Yeah, that would sum up the episode right there.
Again, I have to wait until next week to actually say, "Yes, I enjoy it. No doubt about it, this will sweep up every award at the End of Season Awards."
However, many things can be said. First off, my post-epiosde worries, ideas, and insights:
Their are many characters that can play one another, and that have been around for a while, and have also impacted the minds of children. I call them the "Favorite-Five"Whit, Tom, Bernard, Jack and Jason. It's been nearly an eternity since we've heard them all in one episode. But, I'm sure each and every one of us feel a sence of loss when we take notice that one of these characters did not play a part in another person's life. Take Bernard, for example. I was sad that he wasn't around during Novacom (minus one episode), or Jack and Jason during Eugene's homecoming, or most of them during Connie's graduation and not to mention, her wedding in Washington DC!
Though, the realism is that it's
not possible to have all of them jam-packed into one episode. There are
too many. (Besides, Connie hogs up all the room... hehe...). And so, I was
wondering which characters would they be chosing to take part in Eugene's
wedding. Besides, every one of them had taken part with his relationship
with Katrina:
Bernard and Tom were
completely against the idea.
nearly got them broken up
did also, but offered a Christian viewpoint
saw the beginning, and is apparently seeing the end. There was much that
he missed out on in between.
So, curious about this, I listened to the preview to this episode, and it would seem that Whit, Bernard and Tom were taken from that list.
Which makes sence...Odyssey has a knack of having little spurts of characters. It would be too confusing to have Tom and Bernard in this season's three parter, and suddenly replace them with Jason and Jack for this 2-parter. You might as well keep a balanced cast for the same season so that the listeners don't get confused.
Speaking of which, this may well be the most episodes Bernard has ever been in in a season since the "Wish you were Here" Era.
Since I'm on a roll with characters, I have to say that Katrina's actress is sounding more and more like the Katrina of old. I don't get what it is, but, to be honest, I didn't notice anything different when I started listening to this episode. She sounded almost identical to her. And I thought to myself; for someone to sound THAT identical is pretty good. Oh sure, when she starts speaking a certain way she gets more nasally, and that's when it's obvious. But for the short sentences and quick responses...man, she's got it right on the nail.
I do believe we need to give her a chance. Sure, the chemistry between the two actors may seem a little different; but that could be inside our heads, too.
It's amusing, because people tend to doubt weither a character would do something they just did simply because they have a different voice. Otherwise, if it was the same actress, we'd accept anything she'd do. Would Katrina really have stood up to her mother? Well, technically, we haven't had enough background between the two characters to say either yes or no.
Speaking of the mother; I didn't really enjoy her. Which is why I say thank-goodness that the show wasn't just about her and Connie competing. It would've made for a very bad episode. Too bad, Armitage Shanks isn't still alive, he couldv'e slipped into her lines and made a much better delivery.
And the final point on character would be Bart Rathbone's presence. I sincerely hope that he has a bigger part in next week's episode. Just because Tom is in the episode and he plays Bart Rathbone, doesn't mean Bart has to automatically be around. Still, he made a very funny sidekick for Mrs. Shanks. But, I'd like to see his involvement rise.
Probably my favorite parts of this episode would be the Bachelor's Party. It was long, but filled with some of the most unique conversations in Odyssey history. I also enjoyed the fact that we got to hear about these character's past weddings and how Eugene took their ideas and applied it to his own.
In the end, the episode is left in an interesting predicament. The chances of all of this happening is almost absurd, but succeeds in good radio. Hopefully we get a nice climax during the second part, with a little more heart. Someone needs to have a one on oneheart to heart talk...but other than those points, it was a pretty good first parter.
Someday I hope someone gets a normal wedding.
Broadcast, I completely agree with you about the new Katrina. When she has those short sentences she's dead on. Her voice is so close, i'm not distracted at all.
I wonder who Katrina will pick to walk her down the aisle since her dad isn't there? I think that would be a good emotional moment. You know, something like "Oh Eugene, I miss Daddy so much" as she has a little cry. She still must hurt over it.
I thought the bachelor party was great! I've really enjoyed this season so far. I can't wait for the album!
Let me first start off with the issue of Katrina. I'm sure we all know that change is difficult, and to have a character that was on the show for such a long time be replaced with a different actor is hard to accept. I must admit, I really didn't like the voice of the new actor when I first heard her, and just couldn't believe that Pamela Hayden had been replaced. I mean, what was this world coming to?!? But after listening to today's show, I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised to hear her play the part of Katrina rather well. Granted, no one can ever replace Pamela Hayden's voice or the unique chemistry that she shared with Eugene, but I think Audrey Wasilewski really did give a fine performance nonetheless. I don't know if Pamela Hayden will ever come back to AIO, but I think it's only fair to give Ms. Wasilewski a chance.
OK, now for the story itself. I thought that the storyline was extremely well-executed. I was very impressed at how many scenarios were going on throughout the show. Most of the time we get only one or two situations at the most, so to hear more of a variety was a nice change. This not only makes the episode more enjoyable to listen to repeatedly (I'm sure I've listened to this show more than four times already), but it also boosts the quality as well. All of the actors in today's show really did a great job, even Whit! Paul Herlinger finally added some enthusiasm to his character instead of the dry monontony we've come to expect. Bernard and Tom were hilarious together, and I really enjoyed the part of them at the groom party giving poor Eugene a hard time. Speaking of Eugene, I think it's finally beginning to sink in that he's really back! I don't know what's in store for him as AIO moves along, but all I can say is that he has given the show a dimension that was missing for a long time.
The music, as usual, was outstanding. I don't know how the AIO sound team does it, but I am always amazed at the musical gifts with which these individuals have been blessed! I especially like the way they mixed the wedding march in...way cool.
Before the season with Eugene started, I was very critical of the direction that AIO was going, and it seemed like AIO would continue to head in a downhill direction. However, this season, including today's show, has shown that AIO has most definitely improved for the better. It's classic AIO at its best!
First, to say Katrina was "out of character" in this episode is probably correct. However, most brides are. My father is a pastor and I've been to many, many, many weddings and at almost everyone of them, the bride, groom, and families act completely different than in real life. Also, a lot has changed for Katrina. She may have been forceful in "Wrapped Around Your Finger" but remember that she learned her lesson in that episode, which is that people are more important than things (or events). Also, her father has died, which does tend to change the way people respond to their mothers (or visa versa if their mother has died). One of the best points, and a very accurate one, of this episode is that weddings are more trouble than they are worth. They simply stir up discord and competition. Primary on my list of questions to ask a young lady before considering her for marriage is "Are you willing to elope?" if she says no she's out. Just kidding, but I refuse to have a big wedding. Anyway, so I don't think Katrina was unbelievable. Yes, she may not have responded in the same way should would have in previous episodes, but it was certainly understandable and believable the way she acted.
Secondly, I forgot that Katrina was being played by a different actress. I didn't notice at all to be honest, and I think Audrey will do wonderfully in the future. I just want to say that I personally think people should stop saying that AIO should bring Pamela Haden back. It's simply not possible. That's like asking them to bring Hal Smith back when Paul Herlinger replaced him. We can miss her, but she isn't coming back. Accept it and move one.
Also, I completely forgot that Katrina has a different VA. With that in mind, I think she's doing a very good job.
The best bit was Connie and Mrs Shanks!
It was very good.....it wasn't very good. I really like the fued between Millie, and Connie. That is very funny.
But, Eugene in a convertible? Wow. That just doesn't seem right! I am not complaining, I am just saying that sounds very funny!
Another thing I liked about the episode was AIO's renewed reliance on Tom and Bernard as the comedy team. They were very funnyespecially trying to book the 16-piece orchestra!
For those commenting on Katrina's new voice...I too at first was uncomfortable with it, but the chemistry is developing. Katrina and Eugene's dialogue in the car was clever and caused you to forget it wasn't the former actress.
C'mon, if you can accept and get used to a new Whit (the central AIO figure) you certainly can accept a new Katrina - who up to that time had only apeared in 20-25 episodes!
SeriouslyI give the episode high marks, great job.
But other than that, it was a great episode!! I love Connie and Eugene's interaction, Tom and Bernard, and Bart being his normal self.
I look forward to next week!
As for Katrina's new voice, we have already discussed this at length, and Nathan knows how we feel. For those of us who don't like it, myself included, there is nothing that can be done about it for the present. The team is doing the best they can. I think that we should stop griping about it, and move on.
I liked this week's show except it was kinda odd having Tom Riley and Bernard Walton goofing off together.
It was inevitable that Eugene and Katrina get stranded out in the middle of nowhere and miss their wedding. And it was really obvious that Eugene was going to be a real bonehead and try the whole convertible with the flowers in the back thing and that he would try to be a knight in shining armor. Eugene always seems to try things that other people did without considering that they may not work for him. I wonder what kind of disasters can happen in the next show. Maybe a minor fire and maybe a few more changes to the wedding.
I thought it was a pretty good episode, Connie and Millie's feud is quite humorous. As are Tom and Bernard and their struggles over the music! Eugene, well...he's Eugene!
As for the new Katrina...yes, people say we should just accept her, but I can't bring myself to realize that it is Katrina. Her voice is so different, I wasn't sure who was talking at first, when she came back. The "new" Whit and the "old" Whit's voices are so much closer sounding than this Katrina and the old one.
The season finale of Odyssey (featuring the very, very long-awaited wedding of Eugene and Katrina) is getting positive reviews, though not quite as positive as part one.
Almost all agreed that they enjoyed the scenes with Eugene and Katrina and liked how the show resolved. The humor was well-done. Most felt that the episodes was funny without being "dumb."
Less universally liked was Agnes Riley. While some enjoyed how she played into the story and ended up "turning" Mille, others felt she was unnecessary and distracting.
There were some very funny scenes, such as the swan eating the cake and throwing up in the fountain. The magician and juggler were terrific ideas.
Eugene finally rescued Katrina! How sweet. Overall I thought this was a great ep. Not quite as good as the first one, but pretty good. Good job AIO!
I expected chaos when this episode started, and it certainly delivered. But after a while I was wondering when things would stop being nuts and people would start acting, well, um, sensibly. Actually, about half way through I was kinda getting tired of it, to be honest, and was quite relieved when that happened at the end of the episode. Don't get me wrong, I like funny action, but it seemed silly to me. Perhaps my opinion will change as this episode stands the test of time. But I really did like it when things calmed down. Actually, I would have liked it had this happened half way through, but I'm being picky now.
Katrina. I apologize for bringing it up, but hey, I probably will for every episode that she is in for a while. But I will say I am liking Audrey's performance more and more. I, of course, would like it if Pam Hayden would return, but if she doesn't I'll be ok.
The biggest relief was that the episode was not sappy. Romance has its place, but I don't like the, um, romancy stuff.
In fact, my only real complaint was lack of spritual content. I believe (assuming I remember correctly) that I listed that as one of the things I hoped would come into play in this episode.
I liked the first part better, and can't remember what I rated it, so I'll give this episode 3 stars out of 5.
I thought that the scene with Agnes was very well done. And I also thought it was great how Whit performed the wedding service for Eugene & Katrina. I find this a great season, mostly because Eugene is back, and because of that I can't wait till next season!
Connie and Ms. Shanks getting along at the end was good thoughthat kind of redeemed the show for me. But Katrina...I can't tell if she wants to go along with her mom or not.
Bernard was funny, with his struggles over candles catching things on fire...oh dear! The whole swan bit was a little over-used I thought.
But all in all, this had a kind of old Odyssey feel to it.
I decided after listening to the 2nd parter to listen to both parts one after the other. I believe most of us should do this, too. Because, the second parter really does cover and relate to the first part, as much as it contraried to my first belief.
I'd like to say this here and now that I will be glad to have the Wedding Episode part of my Adventure in Odyssey collection.
I mean, it wasn't completely, wonderful and utterly superb...however, any two parter that features an entire cast of old characters is okay by me.
You had fun and excitement...a bit of humour here and there. And sure, I'm was like, ''Hello...Agnes, now, um, goodbye.''
To be honest, some of it was kinda fast-paced. The thing between Agnes and Tom could've been developed so much more. It felt as a a last minute writer's idea. ''Oh, yeah, how about if I just stick Agnes in there to waste a bit of time.'' Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the fact that she was stary-eyed about the wedding, and that it brought her back to the past...but, I don't know...I'm going to have to give my opinion after it passes the test of time. (I love that expression, BTW)
Bart continued his typical, ''I'm in this episode because Walker Edminston has the miracoulous ability to make two voices.'' That isn't to say that I wished that he wouldn't have been in this episode; I only mean to say that he really could've been used in a different way.
A few complaints; Eugene and Katrina trapped in the mountains was cleared up way to fast. I felt it was absurb that Whit just 'happened' to be in the Kyds Radio Room. They could've drawn-out that scene for much longer, expecially when the rains came. I was hoping for this miserable scene. Also, I wouldv'e liked that we heard Whit trying to decode the Morse Code signal.
The fire was a good addition. I enjoyed the fact that Bernard did it too.
I don't have much to say about this episode. Most of my comments were mentioned in the first parter. This episode was GOOD Period. Theirs no point analyzing it. And so I will stop there.
Good job Adventures in Odyssey. And Congratulations on a memorable season.
Welcome Home, Eugene.
I wonder if Kathy Buchanan included a few disasters and experiences from her own wedding, or if it was more like the stuff of nightmares that only come true for Eugene and Katrina? They do seem to have a lot of problems, but now that they've been married twice, perhaps their really bad days are at an end. I can't wait until the fall seson!
During the first ep, I noticed that it wasn't Pamela Hayden as Katrina mainly during the part where Bart was introduced, because I thought that it was probably written with Pamela Hayden in mind (as Doris Rathbone). During this second half, I didn't even think about it being a different actress. I've accepted this much sooner than I thought that I would, so that is definitely a credit to Audrey Wasaluski!
Also a bit predictable that Whit would just happen to be in Kids' Radio when Eugene sent his transmission. But I guess some things have to be predictable. I recall the first time I listened to "The Boy Who Cried Destructo" when Eugene was coming up with a way to rescue Harlow and Whit. For only listening for a few short weeks it was really predicable that he'd use the sleeping potion. But still cool, so predictable isn't always bad.
In fact sometimes writers will do shows that are so predicatble it can be almost boring for a while simply so they can do a show where it appears to be predicable then things go completely different than the listeners expect. Keeps you guessing that way.
I was sitting there listening to the ep and thinking it was pretty good even if the disasters seemed a bit prolonged and like the "Worst Day Ever." Then Eugene mentioned that the Kids' Radio tower was on top of Forrest Mountain. My heart stopped. I could be wrong, but I thought the tower was in Gower's field. From then on, I was in fear. That is, until, Eugene came back down the mountain, and they arrived at the church building. From then on, the episode embodied everything I love about Odyssey. The transformation of Millie was wonderful, the vows, the song, everything was great.
Overall, the episode, for the most part, was not what I wanted for something that we have been waiting for for at least eight years. Don't get me wrong, it was a good episode, and I enjoyed it. There was just something about the string of mishaps that got on my nerves after a while. I am now listening to it for the second time, and I'm liking the "bad" parts better this time around. I'll warm up to it with a few more repetitions. After all, we finally get the marriage of Eugene and Katrina! That alone is worth ignoring any problems I may have with the episode.
I loved it. It was everything I've always hoped the Eugene-and-Katrina wedding episode would be. (And I have anticipated this episode for a looong time.)
Lots of funny lines, but for some reason something that struck me as particularly amusing (and appropriate for the character) was the way Millie kept calling Connie "Constance".
I grew to like Katrina's new actress better here. Hearing her voice wasn't as distracting as it was earlier.
Katrina's new voice sounded almost perfect, and the scenes with Agnes were especially touching. Wooton as an organist brought on a few chuckles. And, as usual, Will Ryan did a great job.
I only wish that something could have been done to fit in the others (Jack, Jason, etc)...but then again, too many characters might have ruined the ep.
I think part of the reason I haven't been happy with the new voice of Katrina is because she's also being written differently. She seemed a whole lot less intelligent in this episode than she has in past seasons. The whole "can you say that in English" or whatever... (it's been three busy days since I heard it) really didn't sound like her to me. I kind of feel like she's been dumbed down. I did think Audrey Wasilewski did a superb job of acting, though.
However, considering how high those expectations were, perhaps it's not that big of a surprise. Growing up with Eugene and Katrina, I've always envisioned their wedding to be this spectacular, epic event to make up for the years of being led on by the writers. How many times did we feel they were close to being truly happy when a new wrinkle would rip the two apart? Perhaps it is only fitting that "For Better or For Worse" mirrors the same troubled path the two have been on since day one: a glimmer of hope that ultimately leads to disappointment. The first part of this two-parter reflected the former while the second part appeared as the latter. In the end, there was so much to like about these shows but also so much to hate.
Surprisingly, Audrey Wasilewski as Katrina was not one of the things I hated. The small sample we heard from her in "A Most Surprising Answer" made me long for Pamela Hayden's voice, but aside from making a mental note, I was never distracted by her presence in either of the two episodes that make up "For Better or For Worse I & II". She was kind, funny, slightly nerdy and had nice chemistry with Will Ryan. I may not like that it's a different actress but I do think I'm going to be able to accept her as an alternative. It's not like Katrina was switched in the middle of a season... she was switched years after we last heard from her. To go back to Pamela Hayden now, after Audrey has been involved with two of the biggest Katrina episodes, would make these episodes seem silly and awkward. In comparison to Whit, where it was clearly Hal Smith's performance that made him into a man we love so dearly, I feel it is the character not the actress who makes Katrina popular with fans. I think, given time, most fans will be able to suppress the distractions associated with it being a new actress and embrace the character again.
Besides, having Eugene around makes everything that much better! And he was great again in this show, which I imagine will be the norm in nearly every episode from this point forward. Though I did find it awkward in part one when he referred to Whit, Bernard, and Tom as exactly that: Whit, Bernard, and Tom. Since when was he on a first name basis with anyone in town? And why were Bernard and Tom so mean to him at the bachelor party? It certainly reminded me of the good old days when the two would gang up on him, but the difference was Whit was around to discourage it. Instead, Whit is making excuses for their comments on the basis that it's "custom." I did think the scene was quite humorous though and hearing the four together in the same room was a treat as usual. However, where were Jack and Jason? Both characters have played crucial roles in Eugene and Katrina's relationship and to have them missing seemed like a fairly major oversight. Would they not be in attendance at such a close friend's bachelor party? In their place, we get Millie Shanks and Agnes Riley: my primary reasons for disliking part-two and my overall disappointment of the two shows as a whole.
Their storyline made me feel incredibly uncomfortable and question why was it even necessary. The focus of the two episodes should have been on Eugene and Katrina, along with their wedding, not fifth string characters who have only a few episodes to their name. The bizarre plot of Agnes, who abruptly appears, goes missing, puts on Millie's gown, thinks Millie is her mother, and then gets married left me completely baffled. It was such a huge focus of the show and (at least for me) stole far too much of Eugene and Katrina's thunder. Looking at part one on it's own, there was so much potential for the strongest season finale in years. But the build-up to something great was ruined by this silly subplot as it distracted, befuddled, and ultimately annoyed fans who have been waiting a decade for this day. The idea that someone else gets married in Eugene and Katrina's place might sound funny on paper (well slightly), but considering Agnes' mental condition, the humor lost out to an awkward silence during her scenes.
It would have also been nice to hear Eugene's distress call over Kids' Radio or get more information on the fire and how/why it started. Both scenes would have been interesting and memorable (Whit's astonisment that he hears morse code coming over the radio and Tom/Bernard frantically trying to put out a fire that they started) but these moments were likely sacrificed to squeeze in some of Agnes' airtime, which is incredibly unfortunate. I would continue my rant on how this random, pointless storyline ruined a wonderful opportunity for a remarkable episode but that won't change anything. I will say, however, that I'm hoping they lock Agnes up for good and never let her out to ruin an episode again!
Overall, this show didn't reach my expectations and suffered from a few glaring problems, but it still was a relatively strong episode to end an overall very strong season. There was also an interesting tidbit that I hope is explored in future shows: the travels that Eugene and Katrina went on. Considering how long they were gone and their apparent journeys across the globe, there must be a story to tell there. A flashback scene would be entertaining (and enlightening) and perhaps add some depth to their overall story arc. This is to say nothing of their potential to have children or deal with problems unique to new couples. There's a lot to be excited about in the seasons to come!
Reviews for: October 2004 | November 2004 | December 2004 | January 2005 | February 2005 | April 2-16, 2005 | April 23-30, 2005 | May 2005