Thumbs Up (14/17 positive reviews)
Reaction to "BTV:
Behind the Scenes" is positive so far, though with only a few "outstanding"
reviews. Most enjoyed the episode, though some thought it was too predictable
or "chaotic." Many reviewers agree that the body parts sketch at
the end of the show was the highlight.
by Alaynah, age 11

I just think that
this was the BEST show EVER!
by Alyson, age 13

What a good way
to start off the new season!
by Bradford G, age 12

This episode shows
how we all need to work together. Bernard sounded like he almost wanted to
end the show at a few scenes. I thought that since they were having audio
trouble that somehow Eugene was going to walk in and save the day, but no.
But we do look forward to the day when he will hopefully return. Anyway good
job to the BTV crew. And good job AIO crew members.
by Emily Witt, age 12

A great episode
to kick off the new season! This episode is absolutely incrediable.
by Mary Jane Downs, age 48

I have listened
to most of the taped series for years. This is the first time I had heard
that show. The humor is great especailly Brokejaw and the cowlick.
by JoyElectric

Wow...a lot was
going on at once on this show! I'm going to have to go back a few times to
hear all of the "hidden" dialogue. However, it was just wonderful.
Alex follows people from BTV around, which comes out perfect as Edwin yet
again bemoans his acting skills going to waste. The "body" skit
in the end was great (albeit with terrible puns) even if it reminded
me of the one from "The Boy Who Didn't Go To Church." At the end,
it was also nice to hear a reading of the actors, including a name or two
I haven't heard on the show before. Again, good job, and keep it up!
A few notes (from
the Town Hall):
-The cat is offically out of the bag on who plays Edwin.
-Bernard is about as serious as I've ever heard him.
-Connie's "2nd in command" role is even more prevalent.
-I love Wooton .
-Mandy and Alex seem to be the main "current" kids. Personally,
I think that's perfect.
-Not exactly the most normal BTV show, but probably my favorite.
by MH, age 12

I liked this show
pretty well. This topic is old though, and I don't really like B-TV at all.
Like I said it was pretty good... for a B-TV show.
by krista, age 13

It was good. There
have been better Adventures in Odyssey.
by Jasmine O, age 13

I thought it was
by Paul B

A new look at
BTV and how it's put together. I'm glad they finaly gave Wooton somthing to
do. I thought he might blow up or something. Alex gets to be the star of the
showkind of a reporter. The good news is BTV was saved at the end of
the show. :-) Looking forward to more BTV shows.
by Bennett Charles (Town Hall)
Well, what can
I say, I don't really know if I like the episode or not. It seemed too chaotic
and noisy. I sometimes don't like those eps. I've got a few notes:
-Connie sounded way too technical.
-Why wasn't Whit there? He was part of the team, too.
-I was glad Mandy was back on again.
-I'm happy that they didn't add any new characters in this ep. It was good
to keep the same ones in this one.
-Mr. Feldstein didn't sound the same. But it was good to pop in an old character
-Did anyone notice that this was the first ep with Shakespeare and Edwin doing
something that didn't involve there theatre? (Well, maybe there are a few
exceptions...) Also an ep which didn't involve there money problems.
-Alex's voice is changing a bit. And I thought he was supposed to be moving
away somewhere.
-I was hoping for some dramatic music when Bernard was making his big speech.
It would've made it a better ep.
-This is the second ep about BTV that also involves the show with a bit behind
the show. And it's the FIRST BTV episode that combines both behind the show
and the actual show together.
by Ferder (Town Hall)
It was okay, but
a bit too predictable ("What's this tape over here?" "That's
probably it. Put it on"), as well as the piano part. I've always wondered
what BTV is like since we never get to see it only hear it. Judging from those
"fuzzy" sounds (that didn't appear in this ep but are in most of
the others) I think it must be somthing like Bill Nye the Science Guy. So
the show is live? That seems a little odd. Maybe only this one was live since
it was a phonathon.
I am getting the feeling
now that Wooton is a main character (like Officer Harley used to be). I suppose
with his comic voice that he's sorta a Eugene replacement (though of course
nothing can replace Eugene). The body parts bit was...."interesting."
If you think you got all the puns the first time, relisten to the ep.
by Rose (Town Hall)
It was great.
Maybe even perfect. But Adventures in Odyssey just isn't what it used to be
without Lucy, Eugene, etc, which makes it almost painful to evaluate.
by E87M2 (Town Hall)
It was awesome!
by James M (Town Hall)
Great ep. and
we see that Earl Boen truly is Blackgaard. Awesome. I enjoyed it. I liked
the funny parts, especially the belly button. Bernard's speech was good. Very
good ep. Great job.
by Jacob Isom (Town Hall)
I thought this
episode was really done well and it seemed pretty realistic.
Thumbs Up (23/25 positive reviews)
Reaction to "Bassett
Hounds" is very positive and enthusiastic. Many fans are calling it Torry
Martin's best episode yet and the best Wooton show so far. Most enjoyed the
comedy that came from the pairing of Wooton and Bernard and the increased
depth of the Wooton character. A few wished Talia (Wooton's niece from "For
the Fun of It") would have shown up, while others wished for a few more
of the main characters. A favorite line from the show is Wooton's "Score!"
toward the end.
by Tina, age 20

I thought this
episode was pretty cool! Although it was different to the typical odyssey
happenings, it had a great storyline! Well done Torry Martin! It also gave
insight into Wooton's family and background.
by Marcela, age 14

It was very excellent.
Thank you so much for dedicating your time to making your shows interesting,
my whole family and I enjoy them very much and listen to them daily. Thank
by Billy, age 11

It was really
interesting and funny.
by Cami, age 12

It was really
by Mark, age 20

I really enjoyed
"Basset Hounds". I felt that it really expanded on Wooton's character,
one that honestly had to grow on me over time but has become one of my favorite
characters. At first he seemed to be a kind of stereotypical but kindly clueless
character, but it's episodes like these that have made Odyseey characters
what fans have generally come to expectthree dimensional. It's nice
to know that Wooton is innocent but not ignorant, and actually quite a bit
more intelligent that his surface qualities have previously hinted atindirectly
making the point that people are not always what they appear to be. This episode's
stab at that concept worked quite successfully, I think. The episode nicely
balanced humor and played off Bernard's character quite well (good addition).
by Nathan, age 14

I really liked
by Bradford G, age 12

Wow. I knew Wooton's
brother was rich. But I didn't know his family was loaded. And I can't believe
Bernard brought nine pounds of jerkey to Alaska. But there are Bassett family
mysterys waiting to be solved. And I can't wait to hear them. And "score"
my name was in this episode..."Bradford.. And "score" for Wooton
with his knew spinning chair. Great Job AIO crew!
by MH, age 12

I thought it was
very good and worth listening to.
by Brittany Horton, age 9

This was the first
time that I heard this program and I loved it. I'm so glad there's something
good on the radio to listen to for children (since I don't watch TV).
by Paul B

Wooton gets Bernard
a big job and Bernard says he would be glad to help Wooton out somehow, so
Wooton takes Bernard to a family meeting in Alaska. Wooton gets to see his
grandfather for maybe the last time as he going to Africa to be a missionary.
We also found out that Wooton is rich, but he's not telling anyone. If I understood
right, Wooton owns the Power Boy Comic Company. Maybe he draws them and writes
them... hmm... have to wait and see about that one. Bernard and his beef jerkey
eating is back again. Great show!
by Tyler, age 12

It was wonderful!
It showed how God puts others in our lives, so we work together and work for
him even better.
by JoyElectric

It has Alaska,
Wooton, and Bernard. Any show with Alaska is going to be good! We get to hear
Wooton's family, and of Wooton's fortune. We even hear Wooton "get serious."
It's a great episode, and one of the best post-Novacom shows!
by Grace, age 13

by Maggie, age 11

Just so wonderful,
touching, and fun. I can't even explain how good it was.
by Anna, age 10

A great adventure
the whole family can enjoy !
by Tianlet, age 17

I don't like Wooton
and I don't think he should be a major character in future Odyssey episodes.
His ideas are absurd. I figured out that Wooton drew PowerBoy ages ago!
Bernard is funny, as always, although
he sounds like he is still getting used to his character again.
The Bassett family is completely
dysfunctional. Where was Talia? Since we had so many annoying characters in
this episode, we may as well throw her into the mix.
I can't believe Bernard lied to
Wellington about his job! No matter who he was talking to, Bernard always
said he was a window washer, oblivious of the impression he was making. To
hear him deny the fact now was unbelievable.
This was not the best show I have
ever heard. I hope we turn to other characters and other storylines soon.
by Judah Ben-Hur, age 15

This was a very
good show! I wasn't really expecting to enjoy it, since Wooton is by far,
NOT my favorite character, but it was pretty good!
I can't understand Wooton not wanting
to be around his family. I love our family gatherings! Who knows, my family
is almost, but not quite as weird as Wooton's family.
Just as I thought I had gotten
the episode all figured out, it changed! Very unpredictable.
I really like the music! Calm,
quiet, and easy to listen to! Thanks so much, background music people!
by Victoria, age 12

This was a great
ep! We found out more about Wooton! YEAH! it has been REALLY nice that
Benard is back! I like him. I love how he is always muttering under his breath.
This has been one of the best this season so far! (The Pact has been the best.)
Keep it up! Hope to hear from Eugene soon! (We all do. Sniff sniff. Eugene.
Just the name makes me cry.)
by Bennett Charles (Town Hall)
Just like last
week's show...I'm having mixed feelings about this one too. I can't decide
what to think of it. It was original, to say the least. I liked Bernard in
this one. It just seemed like he wandered around the house all day. I thought
that they would make this ep about clowns and jumping around stuff. But I
guess it was just Wooton the crazy one. Pretty good ep. I know that theres
something I didn't like about the ep, but I just can't find it.
by Fletcher (Town Hall)
This was a good
episode. I loved the revelation about Wooton and Power Boy, and I hope that
subplot contunues in future episodes. I really missed Talia in this episode,
I was sure she would be at the family reunion. I really dislike the character
of Wellington. "For the Fun Of It" potrayed him as a nice person,
a bit prejudiced against his brother, but overall a polite man who wants the
best for his daughter. In this episode he was a complete snob, but that's
okay, because I don't think the audience is supposed to like him anyway. This
is probably Torry Martin's best episode, though "For The Fun Of It"
might have been a little better. I give it 4 stars out of 5.
by Ferder (Town Hall)
It was better
then I thought it would be. I expected another Wooton total comedy show. This
one had a bit more depth, story, and interesting characters then most of the
Wooton shows. So Wooton is just as rich as his relatives, but hides the fact
so his friend will treat him the same. Cool.
by Mandy Straussberg (Town Hall)
II think it was
a surprisingly good episode. My jaw dropped at the Power Boy revelation. I
loved the "Scoooooore!" about the chair... There were a couple other
lines I really liked... but I can't remember what they were...
Bernard really never
does run out of beef jerky, does he? Wasn't it Flash Flood where he kept giving
Eugene jerky?
by Andy G Harvey (Town Hall)
Very good ep!
I think everynow and then there should be an ep with nothing to do with odyssey.
It was funny too!
by Dave (Town Hall)
I actually liked
it! Torry Martin's best work. Only one Wooton snort, and the story had a lot
of depth and a little realism. Wooton wasn't too bad either. I really like
this episode and wish Torry wrote more like it. Thanks for a great episode,
by alwaysHis324 (Town Hall)
I really enjoyed
this episode. It was humorous, entertaining, and it had some depth. Bernard
and Wooton together are a riot. I love the desk chair "SCORE!!!!!"
Enthusiastic Thumbs Up (31/32 positive reviews)
"It's All About
Me" is getting by far the most positive reviews of the season, and indeed
many are pegging it as the best show of the new season. (Others are noting
that they are enjoying all of the shows this season.) Doubtless the point
generating the most comments is (SPOILER WARNING) the return of Jared DeWhite.
Most greeted his return with open arms and expressions of joy, while a few
wondered if someone his age would still be into conspiracy theories. Fans
also enjoyed the Connie/Mitch interaction and the humor of the show. Overall,
fans are applauding the show as a great example of a "normal" Odyssey
by Victoria, age 12
This was GREAT!
We heard from Jared again! I was SOO sad when he left. Now he's back and with
a little brother. I hope he stays on FOREVER! Even if his voice did go low.
The ep is now my favorite of this season. The only part I really didn't like
was that Liz was in it. I like Mitch and now he is doing is broadcast on Kids'
Radio. GREAT! This is definitely the best so far!
by Tyler, age 12

It was great!
It seems like Odyssey is finally officaly back in order (almost). Whit is
at Whit's End, and Jared is up to his old tricks. It was wonderful.
by Laura, age 14

by Jon, age 12

by Nanci

This show was
ok. It was neat to hear Mitch again.
by Dave

I love it that
Jared's back! The episode was a little slow and predictable at times, other
than that, it was pretty good.
by Paul B

What a great show.
Jared being back makes it even better. Jared's prank on Rodney was funny.
They call him "Prankman" now. Connie makes Mitch do an advice that
doesn't go the way they thought. We also find out that Jared has a brother
named Trent. Oh, the joke about Mitch's socks was funny. Great show.
by Alyson, age 13

Connie and Mitch
are doing just fine! I guess Mitch is not good at fashion, but oh well!
by Peter, age 13

"Worst episode
ever!" I repeat "Worst episode ever!" NOT!!! Just joking, awesome
episode! I can't wait til it hits stores.
by Anna, age 16

"It's All
About Me" was a great episode! I thought the lesson was one of the best
yet in the new season. The biggest reason that I gave this episode a 4-star
rating is because Jared DeWhite came back, an event that I have been hoping
for for a long time! Great job Kathy and Marshal, can't wait to hear more
episodes with Jared in them! :-D
by Paul, age 28

Great to hear
Connie and Mitch back as their usual selves. They're either arguing or be
lovey-dovey. I much enjoyed hearing Jared back again. Good episode, not great,
just good.
by Chris, age 16

In my opinion,
this show was definitely AIO's best episode of the season thus far. It included
good humor, an old character in Jared, and brought back Mitch for an episode
(we haven't heard from him in a couple months). This seemed somewhat similar
to "A Little Credit, Please" with a enough twists and adjustments
to create a different storyline. After the Novacom episodes, most of the episodes
afterwards didn't seem as good. But "It's All About Me" was an outstanding
"singular" episode (not part of a story arc). Great job AIO!
by James Moore III, age 25

Great job! Great
show...Jared is back. No "welcome back," hes just back. Awesome!
I hope he's one of few to be around after voice changes (like Jimmy, cause
both are popular, and we've missed him). I like how the episode promo only
mentioned Trent to surprise us. Connie was a glory hog. It would be annoying
to take that many commercial breaks. I wondered who would call Connie from
other plot (I thought Jared). Irocinally and funny enough, when Jared was
making tape"If this is not Jared listening...destroy tape."
I imagined Liz destroying tape and later she did listen to his tape. I hope
Trent sticks around. I guess next week will have some similar people. What
did Rodney do to Jared and Trent? I was wondering about that. Anyways, good
ep. Good job.
by MH, age 12

I think this was
the best episode so far this season. It was nice to hear from Jared again,
and to hear about Connie & Mitch's relationship.
by Julie F, age 15

I really like
this one. It was funny, it brought Jared back, and yet it taught a good lesson,
although they did that in a previous ep ("Rewards in Full"). I think
this was the best one I've heard in a long time. I really like it that they
brought Jared back. Rodney was his same usual self, but I thought he was in
high school?
by Cami, age 12

I'm so glad you
brought Jared back!
by Fletcher

This is the best
episode this season! Many of the kids of Odyssey were included such as...Jared!
I thought we were never going to hear from him again after "Strange Boy
in a Strange Land," and judging from the preview for next week's episode
he'll be a continuing character! Connie and Mitch were good in this episode,
although Mitch sounded a bit whiny at times. Strangely, on the AIOHQ this
episode is credited as being written by Kathy Wierenga & Marshal Younger,
yet in the broadcast this episode is credited to being written only by Kathy
Wierenga. Kind of interesting when the theme of this show is credit. Trent
was a pretty good new kid, and once again we are introduced to a kid in Odyssey's
mentioned but untill now not heard brother. (This also happened in "Room
Enough for Two.") This was a great episode!
by AIOfan, age 15
Yippee!! I'm so
glad Jared is back!!! I've waited for this day for... years, it seems. He
doesn't sound the same, but he talks the same way, and sounds better than
he did in "Strange Boy In A Strange Land." The parts about Connie
and Mitch got a little monotonous, and silly. Other than that, I say thumbs
up! To Jared and Trent! The time doesn't quite work out though--in
"The Pushover", which was made in 1997 (therefore in real time,
5 years ago), his younger brother was 'almost 2'. Which would make him only
about 7 in real time... unless he has 2 younger brothers, that is.
by Jon, age 12

It was funny.
by Bradford G, age 12

Jared is back
We also finally hear
from Jared's little brother Trent in this epsiode. After Jared had been interviewed
by Liz, he went to her locker, but she knew that's what he would probaly do,
unless Dr. Wise helped her figure that out. Also I think Connie wanted Mitch
to stay in Odyssey, because she had him host the advice show. Plus who would
ask advice on how to cook fish? And it was funny how Mitch thought towards
the end that he really did give good advice. :-) Great job AIO crew!!! :-)
by Rachel, age 13

This episode was
pretty dissapointing, in my opinion.
1. Jared is not funny anymore. As an 11-year-old, his chronic paranoia is
acceptable, but now he sounds 15 and just plain silly.
2. The ep opens with more Mitch/Connie/FBI
dialogue. I am fairly sick of this. In this case nothing was even resolved!
I thought Mitch was going to start on-line computer consulting instead. Why
couldn't they have been talking about that instead?
3. The whole story was a little
cofusing, the the moral wasn't clear until Chris tried it up at the end. The
two stories didn't seem to link. Also, it was fairly unrealistic. A skeleton
in a locker being "the prank of the century?" Liz has pulled off
much better in the past to be so excited.
4. We didn't get to hear Connie
apologize to Mitch for her selfishness, instead, she gets a lecture, then
later she walks in happy with Mitch. I always appreciated Odyssey's models
of humility and forgiveness but we didn't get to see that here.
5. It was pretty obvious that Odyssey
has gathered their "new kids" and tossed them into the show to look
like the current crowd. I think this was kind of sudden and I would really
miss Sarah, Mandy, Alex and the rest if they disappeared.
Perhaps I'm being harsh because
the new shows are being intermingled with the early classics. In the early
ones, the biblical messages were much stronger and the writers were more concerned
with teaching a lesson than creating ongoing characters.
Lately, they've flipped. In my
opinion, the best slice-of-life shows were found in the 300s-early 400s when
we a nice mixture of character developement and biblical messages. This era
is where we find 323:"A Little Credit, Please," where the same story
is told much more poignantly.
by Anna K (Town Hall)
I was sooo happy
to hear Jared come back! Thank you Kathy! THANK YOU!
by Ferder (Town Hall)
[Jared] acts too
weird... It just doesn't suit for him to be about 13 or 14 and still using
walky-talkys and talking about world domination. ... It also seemed strange
for someone to be talking about "The ultimate geekism" to be running around
playing "spy." I liked how his character was used in this episode, though,
with its mischievous side.
by Kathy M (Town Hall)
I didn't know
yesterday's show was going to be a new one, until I hung around to see which
re-run it wasn't. The first thing that i liked was that Mitch was in it again.
He hasn't really been in a lot of shows, lately. Then when Jared came in I
was so excited because I was wondering if they would ever bring him back.
I didn't have a clue he had a brother, though. I thought that it was one of
the best shows I've heard in a very long time. Kathy Wierenga really wrote
a good one this time.
by Madison (Town Hall)
I'm SO happy that
Mitch is in this ep, I cant believe that Jared is back!
by Steev75 (Town Hall)
Okay, Jared is
back. I'm glad, but... The paranoia he displayed as a kid just doesn't seem
very amusing now that he's an adolescent. I think he's gone from sounding
merely eccentric tohow do I phrase thisborderline schizophrenic.
In the first act, that is. He sounds a little more "normal" in the
remainder of the episode. Maybe he's bipolar or something. Anyway, writers,
can we keep him "strange" while stopping short of "crazy"?
by Bennett Charles (Town Hall)
Dude, seriously
that is crazy. I thought the brother was going to be Nick. But it wasn't!
Aw man! Crazy!
Is it just me, or
did a lot of characters appear in this episode? I was so glad when Jared came
back. That's it. I'm now satisfied. I always wanted a character who is a kid
turning into a teen and comes back. Hopefuly, he'll come back. I think he's
about 13 now, because Liz is 13. And there's no proof that Liz is in the same
class as Marvin and Trent. So, good, we have two generations of kids. Hopefully,
Odyssey will continue with Liz's and Jared's life and follow them further
into their teens. Satisfied, I am. Jared came back from the dark tunnel!
As for Trent, I thought he sounded like a mini-Alex. His voce was okay. I'm
cool with he and Marvin becoming the two main characters. There voices aren't
as awful as Colby. Hopefully, Odyssey will continue with this lifestyle.
[The episode itself] was good.
It had a good message, and it wasn't very similar to "A Little Credit
Please." So that was good. The characters fit in nicely with the episode.
It was funny hearing Mitch acting like he was familiar with the FBI. Wooton
wasn't in it. I was afraid he might be.
Overall, a great episode! Good
job Writers!
by Carolita (Town Hall)
This story is
great! They brought my favorite character back in!
by E87M2 (Town Hall)
Hurrah! For some
reason, I feel just how I did when I found out that Mitch was alive. Jared
(DeWhite) is back! I sooo missed him. Does this mean that the DeWhites are
going to be a "new" Odyssey family? Trent was actually better than
I thought he would be. He reminded me of Jimmy Barclay for some odd reason.
I feel sorry for him to have an older brother like Jared.
YES! We finally got
a bit of Kids' Radio again! I think Mitch was great as Dr. Wise... and Connie
should just stick to Candid Conversations. Oh, and I can't forget Rodney!
Overall, I really liked the episode and especially the characters!
by Mandy Straussberg (Town Hall)
Now, is Trent
the two-year-old who couldn't color inside the lines, or does Jared have two
little brothers?
I'm so happy that Jared is back.
I had a friend who wanted to buy "Countermoves" just so she could
hear Jared again (before you say anything, yes she could have just bought
the lone tape, but she's not smart enough to think of that and I knew she
wasn't really going to buy the case anyway). I love Jared!
I really liked this episode. Back
to the old Odyssey. But it seemed really similar to "Rewards in Full."
Was it just me?
Great episode! Keep up the Jared--er--good
by Andy G Harvey (Town Hall)
Good ep! JARED
YAY! I thought they were just gonna add a new kid and I got mad till I heard
by Carolyn (Town Hall)
To be honest I
haven't been impressed with a majority of the episodes this season. But after
finishing listening to this one a few seconds ago, I can't wipe the grin off
my face.
First off, I never really liked
Jared DeWhite. But hearing him in the episode was like "finding out Mitch
was alive." It was delightful to know they're allowing teen voices in
the mix. Also, Jared is strange, but the right kind of strange as opposed
to Wooten.
Brings me to the next point. One
of the few episodes that we don't hear Wooton in! <Hallelujah chorus starts
in> Wooton in one episode is torture. In multiple? Ahhhhh!
Next point. I was a little disappointed
that this lesson has already been done, but it was pretty much different.
Good moral content, interesting, comical, and just normal Odyssey. Three claps
for Kathy.
I'd give it a 4 out of 5 stars.
Thumbs Up (16/19 positive reviews)
Yet another Odyssey
show this season is getting very high marks from reviewers. While not as overwhelmingly
positive as last week, "Disappearing Hortons" is getting high marks
from fans. Most liked the second use of Jared DeWhite in as many weeks and
Jared's encounter with some people very much like him. Others enjoyed hearing
some references to Novacom and Andromeda. The mystery and surprise ending
are also getting praise.
by Rachel, age 13

This ep was good,
way better than "It's All About Me." I'm not sure why, but Jared
was easier to swallow, like he'd never left. The two old guys were great!
I liked their voices.
Jasmine's another
story. I can't think why the writers felt they needed to turn her into a hippy.
I think most kids nowadays wouldn't recognize this culture, it being about
30 years past it's prime. I would have accepted her better if she was normal,
but oh well.
Liz was fantastic
again, her new character is so refreshing. She added all the drama required
to give this a "mystery" feel. Unfortunatly, I felt kind of cheated
at the quick and easy resolve. I didn't like how, for the last couple minutes,
we just had to follow Jared around and watch him solve the mystery. But hey,
Novacom is OVER (sniff) and people can only get into normal kinds of trouble
for a while.
by Paul B

Liz and her family
vanish. Mandy and Jared look for them with a couple of...well, you might call
them old Jareds. This is a good Liz episode.
by Mark, age 20

This episode was
pretty solid. The relationship between Mandy and Jared is a bit reminiscent
of Isaac and Lucy, and I think this one also is a good combination. It's nice
that Jared isn't quite as eccentrically portrayed as he was in some previous
episodes. I really enjoyed the two older guys getting involved, alsoa
nice bit of comic relief, almost "Grumpy Old Men" style. I also
enjoyed the "Sag, you're it" joke at the episode. Very funny.
However, one thing that I couldn't
shake was the feeling of similarity between this episode and "Rumor Has
It" with Jack and Lucy. While toned-down in intensity as compared to
that episode, this one still featured a similar conspiracy setup with a simple
explanation (and mysterious vehicles with suspicious cargo).
Not by any means a bad episode,
but it just didn't seem as original as I had hoped it to be.
by a listener

I was frankly
disappointed. The pacing was slow and the dialoge was far from inspired. On
top of that, there were three new characters added in (in a show with only
seven!) who added very little to the plot and who could have been replaced
with known characters with more depth. I spent most of the episode hoping
that Liz's family WASN'T in the witness protection program. I loved the Novacom
saga but it's time for some normal episodes for a while. When it ended I just
felt like it was a story that could have been told so much better with more
depth if looked at a different way. Instead, too much time was spent playing
with the new characters (who are, as I type, heading down the hallway of no
return) and then wrapping it all up in 2.3 seconds or something like that.
Good effort for a new writer but far from standard AIO quality.
by Bradford G, age 12

Poor Liz. I'm
glad that she has friends like Mandy, Jared, Solly, Irving, and Mr. Whittaker
who will help and who care. My sister at one point thought that in this ep
that Eugene would return. It's good to know that even in times of trouble,
we know that God is looking out for us. Amen. Good job AIO crew!! :-)
Review by Rip Winkle, age 15

The two guys,
I'm not sure who they were, were really funny. Another thing, when is Jared
going to learn to drive?
by Mark, age 13
Personally, I'm
dissappointed. The story is pretty exiting, and it's good to hear from Jared
again, but the ending was too insignificant. Liz's family disappears and they
try to uncover this whole big mystery about where they went, and suddenly
the episode ends with such a simple, plain ending. Throughout the episode,
they build up to this big mystery and then it ends really puny.
Another thing I do
not like is that we do not get anywhere, because at the end of the episode
they just move back in with Jasmine (whom I do not like) in their old house.
That does not develop the storyline at all.
The diary parts were
lame, and the moral was irrelevant. Basing upon how much of a big case that
they made it, and how simple the true story was, I'd think that the moral
should be "Do not assume or jump to conclusions". Where does "Accepting
help from others" come from?
This episode is one
of the worst of the year, in my opinion.
by Bethany K, age 13

This is the best
by Nathan, age 14

I liked it. It
had a suprise ending, but I do hope you continue the Novacom saga soon.
by Julie F, age 15

I liked Jared's
part in it. And I really hoped that the disapperance had something to do with
Andromada, but now I'm almost, ALMOST, glad it didn't. I liked Jasmine and
the two old guys. It was pretty good
by MH, age 12

Very good. It's
nice to hear Jared is himself again. There should be more like this. The music
was great too!
by Fletcher

"The Case
of the Disppearing Hortons" was another great episode, and a winner as
Bob Hoose's second solo episode. Not only is Jared featured again, but it's
like he never left. Mandy was good here, if a little annoying. As much as
I like her I wish she could have at least one flaw. She was definitely right
about not going into Liz's house without permission, but it just seems at
times that she could have gone with the flow more. However, I still like her
character for the most part. The "Liz with her diary" scenes were
good and gave an appropriate bittersweet feeling to this episode. It was wonderfull
when Novacom and Andromeda were mentioned, and a great twist at the end when
it was found out that Liz's dad had lost his job. It's a bit of a shock at
first, I mean, her brother's in the military, but I got used to it. I really
like Liz's character now. She's no longer a brat...she's human. This was a
well-done mystery, too. Not as good as say "The Mysterious Stranger"
or "The Pact" but good. I was actually beginning to think that Liz
was in the Witness Protection Program and that Jared was actually right (big
surprise). Again this was another great episode, and I can't wait for next
week and "The Defining Moment!"
by Victoria, age 12

This was a GREAT
episode! I loved how Jared was in it and Mandy! I liked how it made everyone
on the dge of their seats! I also loved how it made everyone think Andromeda/Novacom
was behind it. Maybe Andromeda/Novacom is back! And Liz had to lie about the
job! (now I'm beginning to sound like Jared!) This is one of the best this
season! (They keep on geting better and better! GOOD!!) Keep it up with the
by JoyElectric (Town Hall)
This is one of
the most interesting shows they've done in awhile.
--Jared's back, again!
--Liz's diary bits were really
good. She is much, much better nowadays. Thumbs up to whoever helped give
her a bit more depth.
--The "new" characters were rather comedic, but almost too odd.
The "Jasmine" character was almost too much of a stereotype.
--Arbitrary reference of Novacomm alert!
But overall, it was a good show.
Something of a mystery show that proves Jared isn't a total wacko in his theories.
Still, his "I love you guys!" comment was perfect. This guy needs
to write for the New York Times.
by Carolita (Town Hall)
I thought it was
--Jared actually solved a mystery! Wow!
--Liz...hmm...I still don't really like her. Maybe it's her voice.
--The new character, Jasmine...well, let's just say I hope we don't hear from
her again.
by Ferder (Town Hall)
Great ep. A nice
mystery with the usual false trails and eccentric characters. The old guys
were pretty funny. Jared and Mandy were good in this ep.
by Kathy M (Town Hall)
I thought it was
good. Not as good as last week, but definitely good. I thought Jasmine was
hilarious! The guys from the retirement home were really funny, too. I liked
the way how all of Liz's friends helped her and her family out.
by Anna K (Town Hall)
Sounds like everyone
liked the episode! I thought it was good too, especially since Jared was on
it! It had a good lesson, too.
by Mandy Straussberg (Town Hall)
I liked the episode
a lot. IM (not so humble) O, this season is better (way better) than last
season. I found last season really boring, but, so far, this season is really
Another name from Scarecrow and
Mrs. King! (Yes, I am obsessed.) Mendelson. There was a Lois Mendelson on
SMK. In my very sleepy mind this morning, it occured to me that if you scramble
Lois, you can get Soli (though I realize this is not the way to spell the
name). Nick Grant was another name that was on SMK. I think there was another
one, too... but I can't remember.
Thumbs Up (9/14 positive reviews)
Reviews of "The
Defining Moment" are landing in the scale from "fair" on one
side to "disappointing" on the other. For some reason, the Washington
baseball adventure is getting the least favorable reviews in quite some time.
Though the reviews have been fewer in number so far, most felt the episode
wasn't as good as the rest of the season. Specifically, Whit's announcing,
Marvin's self-esteem problem, and seeming similarity to other episodes were
criticized. Many fans also admitted that they had little interest in baseball.
by Lindsay, age 20

This episode wasn't
all that bad. I was glad to see the Washingtons again, I think I am going
to enjoy getting to know that family. I think the message of the story was
clear, and very important. We need to strive to be our best in whatever position
we are put in because we cannot always see the big picture. We don't always
know how our actions affect the world around us.
by Hannah, age 12

I LOVED it a lot!!!!!!!
by Nanci

This was an ok
show. Neat that there are still simple stories like this one.
by Kit, age 21

I really liked
this episode though it will never be one of the first I pull off the shelf
to listen to. It harkened to the every-day life episodes so prevalent when
Odyssey started and that's a good thing. It didn't deal with major relationship
issues, a family fortune, or world takeover. It was just about a son trying
to find what he's good at and a father trying to balance his son's best interest
with the team's. I loved listening to the interaction between Marvin and his
father (how long has it been since we've had a real family on the show?) and
especially enjoyed hearing Whit walk into the W.E.C. store.
Call me crazy, but
I'd be overjoyed if the next season features more shows like this, ones that
focus on family and normal relationships and the everyday struggles that we
all face. There's a place for international espionage, stereotyped characters
(*Talia*), and relationship dysfunctionalities like Eugene and Katrina's forever
engagement. But the heart of the show is in nearly forgotten episodes like
this where action and sound effects are replaced by simple conversations.
That's why I gave
this episode such a high rating. It isn't the most exciting, humorous, or
dramatic of the season, yet without episodes like this, Odyssey would be little
more than a variety show with little ability to change the lives of listeners
as my own was changed years ago.
by Paul B

The new Washington
family has a good show. Kind of reminded me of an older Odyssey show titled,
"The Secret weapon." Both were baseball adventures.
by JoyElectric

An all right episode,
but one that was just different enough to make it memorable. I like Ed Washington;
he's got that unpredictability that reminds me of Whit. It's good to see that
they're doing another show with the Washingtons next week. I liked the "under
the bed" scene as well, and even the short talks between Whit and Ed. Some
of it was a little predictable (we all knew they'd win at the end, but not
how) and Marvin's whining was a bit much, but overall it was another good
look into the Washington's life.
by Bradford G, age 12

This is an ok
episode. It kinda sounds like a remake of "The Secret Weapon." Xavier
sounds like he cares about his family, and is willing to help where he can.
by MH, age 12

I liked this episode,
and I liked hearing from the Washingtons again, but the lesson has been used
by Fletcher, age 12

"The Defining
Moment" is a fine episode, but not as good as the other episodes this
season. It's nice to hear from the Washington family again, or at least part
of the Washington family. Elaine and Tamika were nowhere to be found. Elaine
has been developed enough that she doesn't need to appear in this episode,
but Tamika needs all the character development she can get. Xavier is a very
interesting character, a bit rebellious at times, not silly like Nick, and
very modern-minded. I loved refrences to past Odyssey sport teams. When I
heard the teaser for this episode, I was annoyed because the Odyssey Panthers
just appeared out of the blue, but thankfully the Coyotes and the Woodpeckers
are still mentioned. It was nice to hear from Ashley again, all though she
seems to be very like Mandy. I wish the AIO team wouldn't have added another
kid characterMax, who was an annoying character at best. Overall a pretty
good episode, and I'm looking forward to next week and what seems to be a
old-west mystery in "The Mystery of Tin Flat."
by Ferder (Town Hall)
This episode wasn't
much better than I thought it would be. And that's not a good thing. I am
not a fan of baseball in the slightest so the ep's frequently used theme wasn't
very interesting for me. I don't get how the kids on the team could have had
such bad sportsmanship. It seemed unrealistic.
If we are going to
hear about the Washingtons, do the eps always have to be about Marvin? He
isn't that interesting a character. I think this is to do with his low self-esteem.
Odyssey's most popular kids (Jared DeWhite, Jimmy Barkley, etc.) were cool
because they weren't always moping around. Marvin isn't like this in every
episode, though. He doesn't yet seem to have any consistent character traits.
But back to what I was saying, I think it would be nice to hear eps about
some of the other Washingtons.
by James M (Town Hall)
The ep was not
too bad in my opinion. I like baseball. It was cool to see Whit announcing
games again and Ashley Jenkins was a likable character.
by Hawkeye (Town Hall)
Overall, I was
kinda dissapointed with this ep. And this is a first for me. I like nearly
every ep, some more than others, but this episode had very little action (sorry,
Im not much for sports), no real strong message, and I ask again, what is
up with Marvin saying "Oink!"?
by Rosie (Town Hall)
I'm thinking Whit
anouncing was definitely a mistake. I don't like the character of Marvin.
It certainly was not the best ep.
It DOES have a lesson.... help
in the way you can, not how you want to. Don't worry about being a hero, just
do your best.
It would have been nice to see
a baseball game again, but Whit should NOT have been announcing. He's busy
with two shops, remember? Was it for Kids' Radio? Then it would have been
a good opportunity to show that there where actually still kids involved.
I guess they aren't anymore. I think if it was done a little differently,
the baseball game part of it would have been cool.
by Jared Walczak (Town Hall)
"The Defining
Moment" was anything but a defining moment for Adventures in Odyssey.
More like a regrettable one, perhaps. I've generally enjoyed the work of Marshal
Younger, but I think this episode was a flop. Boring, uninteresting... and
did I mention boring?
My lack of interest in baseball
contributes to my dislike of this episode, but even baseball fans would probably
admit that it wasn't the most exciting episode in the world. Sure, slice of
life shows have to be about normal life, but few things are less interesting
than baseball games. Still fewer are used so frequently on Adventures in Odyssey.
I mean, what is it with little
league baseball? Every kid in Odyssey has played at some point or another.
Also, as to the announcingwho on earth would actually listen to play-by-play
on a little league game? Parents would most likely be at the game. Would anyone
else even care?
Whit seemed poorly suited to the
announcing role. He came nowhere near the Jimmy Barclay/Lawrence Hodges quality
of announcing, even if he did manage to stay on the game and not on curly
fries. Or maybe staying on the topic at hand ("He pitches. He swings.
He hits. He runs. First base. Ball to second." Repeat as necessary...)
was the problem. But Whit managed to sound both overly excited and bored at
the same time. It sounded as if his exuberance was fake. Obviously, it was.
I'm sure Paul Herlinger wasn't jumping for joy at the part... But acting should
be good enough that it sounds like he was.
Marvin seems to be the new kid
with no self-esteem and to me, that's a boring theme and one that's been explored
many times. In fact, it's even been explored with a baseball theme in a better
episode, "The Secret Weapon."
Marvin's a
little old to hide under the bed. At
least they didn't provide under-the-bed room service for him, though. If
I hear another "oink" out of Marvin, I just might go crazy.
The kids in this episode were far
too critical of Marvin, but Ed Washington went too far in the end to make
Marvin feel better. Perhaps Ed should have let Marvin hit, perhaps not. Coach's
decision. With a family member involved, a difficult one.
But I didn't like the idea of making
Marvin a co-MVP. His play wasn't deserving of it. You don't win everything.
You aren't always given second, third and four chances. You aren't always
honored and recognized even when you don't deserve it. Instead of being forced
to learn this, though, Ed just told Whit to make it a double scoop of ice
Marvin's pains suddenly cleared
up when he got the ice cream. He was clearly lying to his dad. Isn't that
a problem? Why no punishment? Not even a reprimand, a rebuke... Just
hand the kid an ice cream cone and call him a hero. All will be well.
But waitI thought we learned
back in "Heroes" not to make heroes out of those not deserving of
it. And I was under the impression that pride was a bad thing.
I consider this a boring episode
with a weak theme. I'm not impressed.
Reviews for:
November 2002 - January 2003 | February
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2003 | May 2003 | June-July 2003